[no title] · 1:50am Nov 12th, 2015
Chapter Two of Innocence Lost will be uploading shortly.
Chapter Two of Innocence Lost will be uploading shortly.
Apparently the update isn't showing on the front page, ah well!
Edit: It's there now. Bit late, but ah well!
Oops, I just accidently posted chapter two. Well, I guess it doesn't matter, even though it still needs editing.
The new chapter is up. Check it out here.
I apologize that it took so long to get this written and published. It's kind of a marathon of a chapter - both to write and to read. It's probably not my best work, I'll admit, but some important groundwork gets laid for future chapters. (And there's a whole lot of ship teasing going on. )
Good news everypony the next chapter has been sent to my editor, Legendary Amazing, so you will be seeing it up shortly!
Side note: I would like to thank Legendary Amazing for editing my work, so thank you!
The sledgehammer slammed into the concrete wall, a new hole in its surface. The other workers had long since gone home, leaving Jazzmania all by her lonesome. Not that she cared. She'd been at it for hours, effortlessly driving the large hammer into the wall. She wasn’t getting paid extra for this but then again, she didn’t care.
Hi all as you all know I was writing the next chapter to jailhouse rock it was gonna come out Wednesday but unfortunately my computer had to be reset and I didn't save the story so and I have to type the whole thing all over again, it was supposed to be out in week but now it is gonna take longer but don't worry since I remember most of what I write so chapter two will be ready once I redo everything.
As the title says, today is ny brithday and I decided to start it out by post the newest chapter of Beyond Infinity. I hope you all like it as I've got more in store for all of you.
This is a bit of a short blog post about the next chapter, so right now the next chapter of lockup will be ready around the Tomorrow or Monday so for all those who were waiting... the wait is almost over.
The second half totally lives up to its hype. The jumpscares, blood, gore, and various forms of Pennywise proves that Stephen King is one of the pioneers of writing horror stories. Despite the length of 2 hours and 49 minutes, it's good to know that it stayed faithful to the novel. If you watched the first one, I highly recommend checking this out. Heads up though, there are lots of flashing lights that might affect those with epileptic seizures.
R.I.P. Stanley Uris and Eddie Kaspbrak
Greetings, everyone!
The second chapter of From Finner has been published! I am really happy to release this chapter, but I won't say why yet so that you can experience the story for yourselves. I hope that you enjoy it!
Just thought I'd drop a link to StraightToThePointStudio's reading of the first scene of chapter 2 of DayBreak, where Luna and Twilight speak with Care about the attack on Celestia.
A little voice acting, a little ambient music, a little taste of DayBreak from a different perspective. Or medium.
Hello again!
It's been long since I last did anything meaningful on this site; between work and generally being burnt out, I haven't written much of anything, though that will hopefully change soon.
I'm not going to do these chapter release updates for Alone every time a new chapter comes out, just the first few. With that being said heyo, chapter 2 is here so go read it now!
Well I will finally publish part three or chapter two of the Universe trip, it's been like what a year now since I posted the last part. Nah I'm kidding, but bruh League like took over my life and I'm sorry about that. Also just add that I just really didn't want to write recently, I would of rather been playing League then do anything else. But now with me being at my dad's who does not have internet so I instead decided to finally write chapter two of my story. Now I will post it on well