Top 5 best songs of MLP:FIM · 7:09am Oct 30th, 2019
1. The Magic Inside
2. A True, True Friend
3. A Changeling Can Change
4. The Magic of Friendship Grows
5. Best Friends Until The End of Time
1. The Magic Inside
2. A True, True Friend
3. A Changeling Can Change
4. The Magic of Friendship Grows
5. Best Friends Until The End of Time
It's been a while since I've done this (years, I believe), but it's also been ages since my last update, and I keep thinking of more details to add to this chapter, ever extending past my own deadline.
As such, here's a short preview that I hope can tide you guys over for the next 1-2 weeks whilst I finish up. I don't want to reveal too much, but hopefully the first few paragraphs should at least give you all an idea of the chapter's tone.
Borderline (from Madonna)
Into The Groove (from Like A Virgin)
Live To Tell (from True Blue)
Oh Father (from Like A Prayer)
Rain (from Erotica)
Take A Bow (from Bedtime Stories)
1. True Kinda Love
2. Stronger Than You
3. Love Like You
4. Here Comes A Thought
5. Drift Away
6. Let Us Adore You (Reprise)
7. Independent Together
8. Escapism
9. Something Entirely New
10. Both of You
Honourable Mentions:
My Little Reason Why
Being Human
Who We Are
What's The Use of Feeling (Blue)?