#BeatTheBacklog Update 2: Half-Life 2 Complete · 1:28am Dec 10th, 2024
My second game of my backlog is complete.
While I technically beat this one before, on the Xbox 360, this was a first on the PC.
My second game of my backlog is complete.
While I technically beat this one before, on the Xbox 360, this was a first on the PC.
Well, as I inch forward in Age of Empires IV, I've also dusted off my 3DS and have started this one over:
I never beat it when I bought it back in... 2016, I think?
Three hours in, one badge so far.
The music is freaking awesome.
In an effort to keep my mind on not spending any money on non-essentials for the rest of the year and into 2025, I'm making a hashtag.
I want to finally tackle most or all of the games I got at stupid sale prices but never made time for, or, in this case, games that threw a hissy fit on my QHD ultrawide or 4K monitors (I bought a 1080p monitor for streaming for Extra Life).
First up: Black Mesa, the fan remake of Half-Life 1.