
Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results

Super Duper Important Update! (April Fools Day) · 12:21pm Apr 1st, 2016

Hello everyone!

I've finally been let out of cryostasis!

Nah, I can't afford cryostasis. I've just been wasting my life playing Minecraft this past year.

Anyways, I have some exciting news!

When I pulled myself away from building dirt houses, I finally got around to reading Fallout Equestria! It was ok, nothing special, but after reading it inspiration struck me!

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Report Banjo64 · 443 views · #This was bad idea

So, Here's a Mistake: · 3:30am May 3rd, 2019

I'm gonna try and write a "clop-fic."

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On buses, puns, and my inability to NOT make them... · 8:03pm Jun 3rd, 2017

for moments ago in the Twiluna/DnD chat...

Coming Soon*(tm)

Stay classy.

*In Fuzz time, 'coming soon' means before the next ice age or he gets a bug up his butt and hammers something out because stupid jokes are his life.


A New Idea For A New Story · 11:34pm Oct 22nd, 2016

Now I was fooling around, doing my usual things, when... I got a brain fart... or in this case, a "inspiration fart". Now I don't know everyone (in this website or those who follow me) know what Undertale is, if so good, if not... then this is going to be hard to explain. Now I am not making a story about a crossover with Undertale and MLP:FIM... but instead I gotten some inspiration from the Undertale fandom. You see, there is this one fan-made world based on Undertale called, Swaptale, it's

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Auction/Funny story · 8:45pm Jul 3rd, 2015


Should I? · 11:51pm Jul 11th, 2019

So, i'm currently typing up a mini chapter that details what happened to Trixie from chapter 3 of 'The Witches of Everfree Manor', and it's basically a "Bad End" for the magician. I'm debating on whether or not I should even post it at all. It'll effectively be the only time I do this kind of thing, since it doesn't make me too comfortable, and I do genuinely like Trixie. For the most part, it's just me stepping out of my comfort zone so that I may grow as a writer, and, hopefully, become a

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A crossover idea for you · 2:17am Oct 17th, 2015

Twilight Sparkle went to the Equestrian version of St. Trinian's.

And probably some, if not all, of the other Element bearers.

Now, I'm thinking the original St T's, as drawn by Ronald Searle. A typical scene:

Semper debeatis percutis ictu primo, and all that.


Marathon streaming FFXIII for Doctors without borders · 8:24am May 2nd, 2020

Come watch me play what is regarded as the worst Final Fantasy in an attempt to raise funds for Doctors Without Borders!

I will play until I most likely collapse from exhaustion. Because I literally have nothing better to do. So I figure I may as well help out.

For those who want to skip the stream: Doctors Without Borders donation link.


Context · 8:51am Mar 22nd, 2018

As you all know I am active on a couple of Discord servers.

Those of you that don’t, well, you do now.

Last night, an idea was birthed that took root and -depending on your point of view - was either genius or horror.

It started with these pictures

And the comment “we can be like identical twinsies!”

It devolved from there.

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Are All My Ideas Unworkable, No Matter What? · 9:34pm Sep 22nd, 2021

Because I think that's started to be that way. My OCs, my stories, my wiki pages, all of them are bad and can never work, no matter what I do. I shouldn't come up with an idea at all. Maybe that will be the answer.

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Emergency Revelry Notification · 5:27am May 7th, 2016

I know, I know, I'm not supposed to use the Bat Signal for party lighting.

You remember when I used to do live drunk-writing? Like that one time, with horizon, at BABScon?

Well, horizon just asked if I'd be interested in doing another one tonight. It's short notice, and I'm going to need to run to the store and grab some booze before I can really go to town, but I think we're doing this thing.

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Cancelling Conversion Bureau vs. Imperium of Man · 11:20am Apr 15th, 2016


Hey Look I'm Running Out of February · 12:47pm Feb 22nd, 2018

I really like posting a story every month so people remember I exist. But February snuck by me and nothing on deck is ready. All these long, complicated stories I'm carefully editing are slowing me down!

Reeeaaallly tempted to toss up some quick Twi Shining? I mean I had that thought and now I'm just wasting time going through Derpiboru incest tags and having a generally marvelous time. Except that most of the FlurryArmor is foalcon and I hate that shit.

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: YOU PICK THE TOPIC! · 6:19pm Feb 18th, 2019

So, I'm wanting to do a Headcanon Nonsense about our favorite teenage magical horse girls, but I'm stuck for a topic. I've done cursing, kinks, looks, movie preferences, and general overviews.

I figured if I was stuck, maybe you out there have some ideas of what you'd like me to Headcanon about. There's just a couple of rules.

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THIS IS GOING TO BE A BIG SELLER! · 12:18pm Oct 30th, 2016


Confused Night Blogging: The Sea is Dark and Deep · 9:59pm Apr 17th, 2018

This post, for the joy of absolutely nobody, is mostly unedited, except for the electronic demons pointing out grammar errors and the barely coherent corrections your's truly managed to sneak in, and is an exercise in writing more spontaneously and trying to throw out ideas.

Aside from an old short story of mine at the end. That was written a couple of years ago.

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Holy Butts! · 8:25pm Oct 20th, 2018

I just sent my pre-readers/editors the next chapter of AfaS, hopefully I can have it ready to publish in 2-3 days. I am proceeding with my next chapter while I work on my other stories, though AfaS is my priority. Currently I converted the theme of one of my side projects, which will probably get released next October, since it definitely won't be ready for this Halloween/Nightmare Night.

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Attempting to write clop - do not disturb · 1:45am Sep 8th, 2020

Don't you hate dumb ideas that won't go away?

Another one I have is a sort of drum and bass thing based around this Scottish imgur post.

I think my brain is trying to distract me from the fact Dad's in hospital again.


"Forum > Cat" (Chapter One of a Short Story) · 3:42am Sep 22nd, 2020

A_Mlp_addicted_person said:

Any stories where the protagonist, human or pony, can turn into a cat.
Sorry for such a specific request.

Chapter One: A Cat Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Rainbow Dash said, "Wouldn't it be amazing if I could turn into a cat?"

Twilight snorted. "Are you sure there would even be a difference? Cats seem to sleep all the time, just like you."

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Remember Obscure Spike Shippings? · 5:21pm Mar 19th, 2024

Remember when obscure Spike shippings that were met with middling reviews and a lot of confused interest popped out of this account like every few months?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Remember Spike stories that felt like they could have an entire pop-punk album written based on them?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results