New Beginnings Announcement! · 11:13pm Sep 17th, 2015
Hello everypony!
I am still writing--every day working on something worth presenting to all you out there and I have some projects that I just can't wait to tell you about! Amaranth and the Mountain being one of them.
- I'm really lucky to get opportunity to release first of my books as audio-book. It not English, but still it's a big step to make story more friendly for future readers or listeners. Before it was only one short story. Need to test how good auto-translation works with it...
A little while ago I was contacted by someone with a request to do an audio-book version of The Longest Night. I was rather reluctant as I didn't really think that anything I've written is good enough to have made into an audio book. But, who was I to tell someone what they could or could not do? So I said that it was alright by me, and to just give me the link so I could add my limited voice to provide what signal boost I could.
Watched this video from TheLostNarrator.
I used to do readings of my original work from back in the day, but I know I can do better. (I'd link them, but they're embarrassing) Since I've apparently dived headfirst into making Fimfiction my chief preoccupation, I just thought it'd be fun. Something else for my bored housewife brain to do. Admittedly, my plate is starting to get a bit full, but y'know... C'est la vie.
This was a lot of fun to edit and I think this is one of my audio books with the most sound effects I've done so far! Some of them I even made myself! Any and all feedback would be great!
Story written by Gamma Deekay!
Check him out here!
Hi, everyone,
LoyaltyBrony95 is putting together an audio book for The Necromancer's Ambition and is on the lookout for voice actors/actresses. If anyone is interested in giving voice to any of my characters, he's put together a pretty comprehensive list of requirements and contact info.
We did it! The mad lads! We've done it! Chapter 1 of the FoE - Dead Tree Audio Book is live!
Thanks to all the VAs, staff, directors, and sound engineers who made this possible!
As well as the fans who wanted it.
This will be released Friday.
If you are going to Harmonycon there will be a group listening session in my FoE panel Friday Night.
Get there Friday! You will enjoy this.
I hope.
Otherwise it will be on YouTube and Spotify Saturday Morning.
Hey folks, long time no see. Hope you're all well. I've been rather busy getting my teaching credentials and starting a job as a teacher. I love my work, but it doesn't leave me with a lot of spare time. That's neither here nor there, though! I come before you with something pretty neat.
Well, Harry Houdini is now done and complete. It was truely a great ride from start to finish. I am sorry it had to end at all.
Next time...
Sonic the Hedgehog crossover.
Is it just me, or have I been doing a lot of crossovers this year?
Hey, remember when I wrote 100 stories and I got a bot to write a berry punch story for me as a joke in celebration?
Seriously, the madman actually did it. Go listen. It's... a thing.
P.S. Wuten I love you bruv.
I think I like setting these up, so here's the next few live reads for those who are curious
Tomorrow: Of Age
Aug: Sympthanony or Moon and sun, Nyx will finally appear in "Point of no return", Tales of the Lunaverse, Cadenceverse.
Another fic down the pipe and up for all who like to listen to me read it. Next up on the docket:
Three years ago, I grabbed an old headset, audacity, my laptop, and made this.
Three years later...
Hey guy's am thinking of getting a to buy a succubus Audio book, i'm curious about what your guy's thoughts are on that. If i do this is would start with a patreon exclusive before going on Audible
New story Is out ! :} It is about a pony who attempts to break the land speed record and the impossible situation she finds herself in. Not to name any pony in particular, but her name rimes with crash. ;}
In other news I am working on setting up a YouTube channel to provide audio versions, in some instances dramatized versions of my stories, as well as other projects, perhaps I will stream a writing sprint or something at some point.
Hello one and all, thank you for being patient with me. I know I had a schedule originally put in place for these things, and I'm sorry that I had not been true to that schedule. Nonetheless I have brought the content for which you desired. Its right here in this link. Or is it this one?
Well this was a pleasant surprise! MoonGlowTheBatPone contacted me a couple days ago, asking about doing a reading of The Chrysalis. Just a day later, and she's already completed the first chapter!
I'm always flattered when someone does fan-work off one of my projects, and this is a particularly daunting one! Thank you again, MoonGlow!
So I have some big news!
The first, as many of you probably know, is that I have written a squeal to my story Growing Down called How to Cuddle Your Dragon.
It's for a contest that I (hopefully) can place in but it's also just more fun Pike content if you liked that in Growing Down.