Which Sunset? · 1:54am Nov 27th, 2015
Okay so I'm getting this wig for Christmas for a Sunset Shimmer cosplay
But the thing is, I'm not sure if I want to cosplay old Sunset (from EQG and EQG:RR)
Or the Sunset revamp!
Okay so I'm getting this wig for Christmas for a Sunset Shimmer cosplay
But the thing is, I'm not sure if I want to cosplay old Sunset (from EQG and EQG:RR)
Or the Sunset revamp!
So i got some cosplay wigs for Christmas...
This is what happens when you mix a blag wig with a bored cosplayer who loves asami sato
Note: this was just a closet cosplay because i haven't started on my actual cosplay
Bonus: animal pics!
My puppy dog asher: