Ship? · 8:20pm Apr 11th, 2021
Which teen Tian go do you ship with Apple Sowse?
Hello, everybody! I'm finally posting the next chapter of John Honeycrisp Apple. Stuff with spoilers after the break.
Hopefully everyone will be overindulging today.
I've offered up my own treat in the form of a new ongoing story, that will hopefully be approved before the end of the day. Yup, it's another scary Apple Family story.
written by Lightingsword
My new fan fiction 'The New Life' has a plot similar to 'A True Sister' in the case of Apple Belle. She will be a reoccurring character in my fan fictions. Everything else is different and I felt this to me a much better work than 'A True Sister'
-I just submitted it. Release will be soon.
-AFTER RELEASE QUESTION: What do you think should happen to Swe- I mean Apple Belle and Apple Bloom IF they get caught at Carousel Boutique?
Just a heads up for people. The masses have spoken, and even those who didn't say that the story was completely ruined by the ending say that it ended too abruptly. Several people have also claimed to be confused by the ending. As such, I have decided to write another chapter or two to help clear things up and add a little more of Honeycrisp interacting with the Apple family post poison joke cure.
Hello all, it's time to upload another chapter of John Honeycrisp Apple. Spoilers ahead.
Hello again, I'm here with another update to John Honeycrisp Apple. Spoiler talk after the page break.
This pertains to an argument that takes about 30 seconds of the episodes but is apparently the crux of its moral, so if you don't like spoilers, don't read.
Hello, I welcome anyone and everyone reading this post.
Recently I had a string of writer's block surrounding my story, Shifted Crusaders, but I am happy to announce that I have been able to piece together my mind, and figure out how to write. If you are curious why I was stumped, it was Apple Bloom. I mean, just look at her face, with those pleading eyes and eager smile.
So, I've recently started work on a sequel to "Apples Forever." At first, I never planned on making it more than a one-shot. It was good enough on its own but the ending was kind of a cliffhanger and I really enjoyed the idea of an evil Apple Bloom. In the first story, we see just how far she is willing to go to keep her family's farm from going under. Though she knows it's wrong to take a life, she still goes through with it, because family comes first. How desperate do you have to be to do
Hey folks, guess what I've got for you? Two chapters of John "Honeycrisp" Apple at once!
Applejack learns about her great aunt, the amazing sharpshooter, Apple Annie Oak Tree. Enjoy!
Hello there!
I am teasing the release of chapter nine of Shifted Crusaders. If you read the previous announcement, then you'll know that this is one of the four chapters focused on a specific crusader. This chapter, which is called Shadowed Sanctuary, is focused on Apple Bloom. The first part of this chapter is less focused on her then the latter part, however.
This is purely for reference in the Shadow Wars Story Verse, and I wrote it because Apple Fritter is significant for two reasons: she's one of Big Mac's friends in youth, and she eventually becomes an important officer in the Night Watch.