As much as I love cats, it is just this cat that i don't like at all. But even than I don't think this cat isn't a normal cat at all e-e.
So can't blame the dog here for hating this cat (since it is EVIL DX)
As much as I love cats, it is just this cat that i don't like at all. But even than I don't think this cat isn't a normal cat at all e-e.
So can't blame the dog here for hating this cat (since it is EVIL DX)
Guuueeeessssss what I’m playing now :D
( and yes that is mine elf so , what?! ELVES ARE AWESOME!)
Have you guys heard?
Microsoft is remastering Age of Empires 1. Unfortunately, it's not on Steam, but I'm still buying this for sure.
Not out yet, but soon. Look for Age of Empires Definitive Edition on Microsoft Store when it's up.
Anyone of my followers looking forward to Age of Empires 4? I might mostly play as the The Delhi Sultanate due to their elephant units. I like big things. Since you seen all my big pony stories.
Me, I playing Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, and the HD version.
It's pretty good. Could be better. But it's a semi-decent start. I'm glad they made it, since it may draw in new players for the older games of the series.
I like The Delhi Sultanate the best since they got big fat elephants.
However, we have to wait for modding tools/ and the map editor. Then we can get Mumakil from LOTR, even bigger elephants. Been a pretty smooth launch for me. AOE 2 DE was broken for ages. Now fixed, but was a mess for awhile.
...this Sunday.
Oh, and Harmony is on the hit list today.
So just a quick update on my process on Dragon Age: Origins ( so far):
So i got all four armies and than matched to Denerim , have to rescued the queen, got sent to jail and than got rescue by Alistair <3 (with the help from Oghren), and now in the Elven Alienage.
Not much to say herejust i am about 90 hours in and loving this game <3
21 years ago, the first movie to a beloved franchise released in theaters.
So apparently my parents are the only people in my family to actually know how old I am. I know we're not a close family, but when your guessing 2-3 years younger, there is something wrong there
Is Dragon Age 2 worth buying or should i just skip DA 2 and countie playing Dragon Age inquisition? The reason i ask it that i keep on hearing that DA2 wasnt all that good. I am now wondering b/c i am planning on starting the Dlc for Dragon Age:origin (aka Awakening>) and i am kind of planning if i am playing DA 2 or not :/ So if anyone have played Dragon Age 2 and know if it wroth playing/paying would you let me know plz :3
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So, I recently got access to my Dragon Age Keep account and decided to to relive my days in Origins and DA2. Here are the videos detailing my adventures.
Warning: There are spoilers. If you do not care, however, then, by all means, please enjoy the show.
*I got a Dog ( noone tell my (real life) cat about this xD) and i named him Buddy ( was going to name him Dogmeat but there is no point since i think Buddy a bit better name.
Kind of wish this was in Dragon Age: Inquisition but i guess that what MODS are for
There is nothing like killing darkspawn before bed <3
I got to say it is wreid/great seeing Morrigan in Dragon Age: Origin (after seeing her in Dragon Age:Inquisition). I think i still need to get use that all three dragon Age games happen really close together (unlike what I am use to in the Elder scrolls games).I have a feeling that there will be more apperance like this coming soon ( with both of the games that i am planning).
As I'm sure you're all aware, we just had the Season 7 finale air yesterday and as I feared, it pretty much ruined my story "Age of the Alicorns: Chaos Rising". Before I go on, I want everyone to know I still loved the finale and am very excited to see where they go with this but it's sad that my fanfic, which I tried the best I could to make close-to-canon-as-possible, was completely debunked by it.
One thing is clear – MLP type magical ponies don't have the short lifespan of natural ponies, but how long are they actually? So far there's no definitive answer, but the best clue comes from Granny Smith and the establishment of Ponyville. As she was a filly when the town was established, that plus some other clues have led some people to establish her age well into her second century. I'm fine with this idea, but I'd like to be able to establish some consistent canon for my stories. So
Hey y'all!
I've got a preference question regarding the story Entrenchment, which is progressing slowly but steadily ahead.
Spoiler warning for below, if some of you guys haven't read Chapter 2 yet.
I have started up a new story titled Life as a Foal. I plan to include foal versions of current ponies, but I would also like to expand the story to include OCs. If you would like your OC to appear in the story as a foal, please message me.