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Waking Nightmares Remix Heart updated · 11:45pm Apr 9th, 2019

On Patreon, on Fimfiction, and on


Hey nerds · 10:39pm May 19th, 2023

I have finished a chapter for a story and sent it off to my editors. Next up, a chapter that needs an ending scene and a chapter that was written in advance. That's right, I've got three updates that will be ready in a short amount of time. What story is it on, you ask?

This one, which I mentioned in my last blog.

[Adult story embed hidden]

[TEEN VERSION] There are two things the elite care about: blood and coin. Young Marigold desires both... and with a strange amulet, maybe she can have such things.
Ice Star · 44k words  ·  10  3 · 569 views

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I have updated a story. · 1:12pm Mar 3rd, 2023

Go read it! The last chapter drops tomorrow.

I will now retreat back into writing assignments and horsewords.


Improvements to "Scenes From A Hat": Now with tags! · 12:15am Jul 7th, 2022

"Scenes From A Hat" has now been updated so that each chapter title lists the genre and characters relevant to each story, so readers can skip stories that do not interest them and focus on the ones that do. After all, no one story is going to be everyone's cup of tea. So if you've skipped "Scenes" before, it should be easier to hop into it now and pick out the shorts you like! And if you check below the break, I've got a list of each short story and its premise in case any

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"Hey Ice Star, why none of that romcom story?" · 8:18pm Apr 2nd, 2023

'Cause I'm recovering from a minor surgery and my leg has stitches in it so I decided to finish something else. Namely, editing an interlude for a story long overdue for something of a wakeup. It's my bed-ridden recovery, I get to pick between editing and actually writing some stuff.

I've revised up to the Part 3 of the "Husband of Hers" chapters so cut me a break, thankies.


Waking Nightmares Remix Heart updated · 8:35pm Mar 10th, 2020

Oh look. He actually CAN update a story now and then. SHOCKING.

(To anyone concerned about the self-depreciation, I'm FINE. Let me make fun of myself, damn it!)

Patreon and versions updated as well.


It's update time! · 3:05am Sep 5th, 2023

I just dropped a pretty big update! Yes, it's on the story that like five people read. But I worked really hard on it! So, that's gotta count for something. The story is officially over 30k now, at least for the NSFW version. The next few chapters will be out even sooner. I've just been between editors lately, and this is a story that isn't easy to edit for. Act two will be starting in two more chapters, and I'm hoping that creating that much backlog will get people commenting more. This story

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Story Update, Audio Reading, and Possible Hiatus! · 10:27pm Apr 3rd, 2019


Back from the dead! Update talk! · 10:56pm Sep 15th, 2023

Just yesterday, I mentioned a story that I was planning to bring back from the dead. Thanks to a recent burst of productivity and a fast editor, I've been able to do just that. I always go into a story with the intent to finish it, and I'm pleased to bring back another canceled fic. It's a fully-outlined story that I haven't touched since 2017... until yesterday. While the outline for the story already exists (along with the old version of the prelude) in Missing Pages, there will be a

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2014-2019 · 1:26am Feb 14th, 2019

RIP My old laptop. My new one isn't completely set up yet and ready for writing, so I've got the old one up one last time. I typed over a million words on this thing, amassed hundreds of memes, bookmarked too many goddamn things, and fumed at poorly written Netflix drivel on this idiot hunk of plastic. I covered it with far too many stickers, let my cats near it far too many times, and dropped it once or twice. The keyboard is pretty funky too, if I do say so myself because everyone who has

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results