Some more thoughts · 1:04pm Jun 9th, 2024
As regular readers will be unsurprised to hear, I've been thinking about D-Day and World War 2 recently. Two related topics today.
1. An underappreciated hero
As regular readers will be unsurprised to hear, I've been thinking about D-Day and World War 2 recently. Two related topics today.
1. An underappreciated hero
July 31st through August 8th marks the 70th Anniversary of the US Navy's worst disaster at sea, the loss of the Portland Class Heavy Cruiser USS Indianapolis and the rescue of the 315 survivors,
The sinking would claim another victim years later, in the form of Captain Charles McVay. He would receive letters from families of the lost sailors saying things like "We had a wonderful holiday. If only our son was alive to enjoy it with us"
Regrettably, I have been too busy today to craft a proper reflection on December 7th, 1941. Fortunately, the words of the time speak for themselves.
From the site of the attack... the men who lived through it (pay particular note to his closing remarks)... the little moments of soft-spoken heroism...
Today is the anniversary of Bockscar dropping Fat Man on Nagasaki. Wednesday, it was the anniversary of the Enola Gay dropping Little Boy on Hiroshima.
I haven't produced much content lately. Just not feeling "pony." Been working on some space opera I might post to Royal Road or Amazon or something someday.
In light of my recent lack of content, have some of my favorite books:
Protector and Ringworld, by Larry Niven, and to a lesser extent his entire "Known Space" cycle
just some songs and staff i know
boost this pleas
70 years ago, on this very day, the bloodiest conflict in the history of mankind has finally come to its conclusion.
More than sixty million lives have perished in this war: soldiers and civilians, Soviets, Britons and Americans, Germans, Italians and Japanese, Chinese and Koreans and many other nations have paid the terrible price in blood, lives and sweat.
Not by ignoring.
Not by downplaying.
Not by circle-jerking.
Not by virtue-signaling.
Only through dialogue can we find a solution for the crisis the world has found itself in. Help us understand all sides and find a solution to this conflict. Be part of:
Horrors of War Cover art... I do not own these art, they are belong to their original owner
Been working on about WWI stories, and well... you guess it with PONIES!!
War’s Generation is an AU canon largely centered around the titanic conflict known as the Great War. It began several years after the start of Season 3, and assumes that none of the events of that season after the Crystal Empire came to pass. Despite the similar names, it is not a reference to Generation War (a World War II show which, for all its merits, has some significant problems).
Sound off~! I have 2 questions for you!
1: Shaping Shadow - How are you liking chapters about the others, Cardinal Spitfire, Golden Dawn, Deke and Olive Pit?
2: How are you liking Dragon War? Its going to be a series.
And I guess I'll go for a third question:
3: Is there anything you want to see happen? Anything in Shaping Shadow? How about In Dragon War? Do you have a memorial story you want to see written for someone dear to you? Let me know!
I've been hesitant to talk about this, but I think that after yesterday I need to bring it up. I am, or at least was, a fan of Call of Duty for the longest time until the more science fiction feeling came with Advance Warfare, Black Ops 3, and Infinity Warfare. I have nothing against it if any of you like those games, but considering the only other modern/historic war series we have now is Battlefield (RiP Medal of Honor) it was crushing to see it go the way it did. However, if any of you were
As I wait for my editors to churn through all the rewrites (They're doing great! PM me if you want to help or get a sneak peek!), I find myself revisiting old writings of mine.
My Neighbor began as a simple story of a kind old man displaying common decency. He was a fully fleshed out character from the start, but at first I had no designs on writing multiple stories about him. After the warm reception My Neighbor and Mr. Arrow received, however, I scripted out several other short narratives to follow his interactions with the Apples and other EqG cast members.
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, which is generally known as "Eastern Front of World War II" in the world. At around 3:15 a.m., Nazi Germany and its allies and satellites attacked Soviet Union, starting the bloodiest war in the history of Russia.
Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.