
Viewing 1 - 20 of 118 results

Crest of Canterlot City · 3:48pm May 19th, 2022


Break down of the EUP · 5:35pm Apr 14th, 2022

The EUP is divided into four branches: The Royal Guard (RG), The Air Guard (AG), The Land Guard (LG), and The Water Guard (WG). Their closest US counterparts are: the Secret Service, State Guard, police, FBI, Department of Treasury, and the Department of Homeland Security for the RG; the Air Force, State Guard, and CIA for the AG; Army, Marines, and State Guard for the LG; and the Coast Guard and Navy for the WG. Each guard is responsible for the research and development of their personnel

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Integration is proving hard to write. · 5:53pm Mar 8th, 2020

I wanted to get this off my chest before I post the next chapter of Integration. It's been a hard one to write for two reasons.

The first is that it's the chapter that the humans finally go to Equestria. I am really bad at first meetings. It's made harder by the fact that I already wrote a chapter where the human Twilight family and Flash all come to Equestria, and I don't want to rehash.

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Red Alert! · 9:35am May 1st, 2020

The Crystal Mirror has been reported stolen. All personal across Equestria and the Crystal Empire are to be searching for the whereabouts of the Crystal Mirror even when off duty. We can not let the perpetrators activate and use the Crystal Mirror for their own gain. This is a direct order from both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. May Faust guide and protect you.

Report Kronos11111 · 340 views · #World building

Special abilities in Equestria · 12:34am Jun 13th, 2022

In Equestria, special abilities are gifts granted to ponies by their cutie marks. These differ from special talents in that they can not be taught. A special talent is merely an affinity for a specific subject whereas a special ability is something like Twilight's, Sunset's, and Starlight's omni-affinity, Fluttershy's ability to talk to animals, and Party Favor's balloon constructions. Talents like dress making and cake making are, theoretically, teachable.


Magic Types and Grades · 6:51am Jun 8th, 2022

In Equestria, magic spells and charms are divided up into types and grades. There are the broad types such as elemental magics, basic magics, illusion magics, and body magics, and then there are sub types like healing magic for body magic and fire magic for elemental magic. Magic grades are used to denote the price, skill level, and legality of a magic. Some magics are completely legal up until the highest grade, such as elemental magics. On the other hoof, some magics are completely illegal at

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Gods of Equestria · 6:02pm May 23rd, 2022

During the pre-Equestrian era, there were many gods of many kinds. There were gods of magic, agriculture, war, disaster, hope, peace, weather, and everything in between. They more resembled the Japanese kami back then. There were thousands of them. As Equestria was formed, just like most other things, the gods were combined, and new gods were formed, but it was only in the last thousand years that the gods seen today were formed.

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Contraception in my story · 2:44pm Aug 8th, 2016

Alright, so it turns out that I have put way more thought into the world building of this Stud Farmer story than I intended. I don't regret that but it also means that I'm spending times fleshing out aspects of this world that a lot of porn writers don't really bother addressing. For instance, I actually spent time dwelling on the idea of how contraception works in this universe.

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Report Mactacular · 667 views · #world building

Equoes danger zones · 1:27am Sep 8th, 2022

Even though Equestrians had tamed their skies, land, magic, and animals, there are still some places they haven't tamed. These places are called danger zones. The most famous of these is the Everfree forest. There are many ways these places can come to be, but the most common way is through wild magic. When enough wild magic is concentrated into an area, it can cause changes to the covered area with the exact effect depended on what type of magic is most prevalent. These effects can range from

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Psychics of Earth · 6:14pm Jun 26th, 2022

Even with the decline of magic on Earth, the capacity to use magic is still present within her children, some more than others. This takes the forms of miracles, incredible physical ability, and psychic abilities. The extent of psychic abilities is not known due to the fact true psychic abilities can't be turned on and off like a lamp and the needed stimuli are hard to replicate under lab conditions. The hard limit of these abilities is that they can only affect spiritual energy and not matter

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"Hope" North American Map WIP · 5:31am Sep 13th, 2022

Finally got a map for "Hope" . Very rough and subject to change. I'll figure out a way to make a story for it.

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Report Helis · 152 views · #World Building

The Curse of Geography, or, Thinking Out Loud · 7:35pm Jan 6th, 2017

So, I've been leaning hard on certain models while laying out my story, and cheating as the needs of the narrative dictate for the details. Nobody needs to get the exact layout of, say, Bison Country, or how much of a Western Sea there is out past the far west. Especially since the way the story's been breaking, we're never going to lay eyes on an actual bison.

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The Changelings of Zebrica · 7:49pm Aug 14th, 2016

The Changelings of Zebrica

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A Variety of Changelings · 7:40pm Aug 14th, 2016

A Variety of Changelings

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A question of locations · 5:48pm Aug 27th, 2017

I'm working on a human AU fic, and I became curious. Some places in pony world (saddle arabia, for example,) are clearly analogous to countries in our world. There are also fanon stand-ins for real world countries, like neighpon for japan. So, in writing a human au, the question becomes, "do I stick with pony terms because it's a pony fan work, or do I use real world locations because the characters are human?"

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Extra! Extra! Read All about It! Canterlot Research Center Destroyed in Terrorist Bombing! · 9:18am May 4th, 2020

The Canterlot Research Center, the front line of new magic and technology lead by Star Swirl the bearded was targeted for a terrorist bombing. Six figures were seen at the site one hour before the bombing. An artist rendition has been created of the six masked figures. The Princesses ask that all citizens report any sightings of these individuals. May Faust guide and protect you.

The masked villains


Dawn’s new day world building-ponies · 12:11am Nov 30th, 2023


Ponies are the most dominant race on Equis thanks mostly to their alicorn princess Celestia who controls the sun and moon. There are rumors she once had a sister who ruled the moon however that information has not to be confirmed.

Recently a new Alicorn princess of love, Mia Amore Cadenza, was revealed to the world.

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The races and tribes of Nitor - part 1 - origins of the races · 6:08am Feb 5th, 2020

Since I feel like sharing some stuff on the setting of Splintered Sky, but don't want to get too spoilery, I figure something I can talk about are the races and their tribes.

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Dawn’s new day world building- changelings · 7:38pm Nov 29th, 2023


Changelings are insect pony hybrids that consume love for energy and to keep themselves healthy.

An adult changeling does not require love to survive as they can sustain themselves on an omnivorous diet alone however without love they will be weak and unable to preform magic or conceive offspring.

Before maturity, larva changelings will die without enough love.

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Introductions Are in Order · 10:50pm Apr 20th, 2017

A bit late given when I published the story, but writing another “ponies on Ravnica” story got me thinking: Whatever happened to all of the major threats to Equestria in a timeline where the pony nation got folded into a planet-wide city? Time to take a thought experiment and run with it.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 118 results