I Have a Question! · 11:32pm Jun 29th, 2018
Who do you think is older??
Twilight or Starlight??
I must know!
(Nothing canon just your opinion on who it would be)
Who do you think is older??
Twilight or Starlight??
I must know!
(Nothing canon just your opinion on who it would be)
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I am faced with a crossroads.
What story should I focus on?
(NOTE: Before I list these, know that I've actually been doing some writing, so yeah. Stuff might actually happen.)
FFF- My Elemental Pone-fest. I have lots of the story mapped out, I just need to work on dropping an exposition bomb correctly. And a fight scene. And Flutterdash.
Because I want to :D
Changeling LifeCycle-
Changeling eggs are typically laid in clutches by their mother, and they are two stays like that during their incubation. Slight changes in their environment’s temperatures or even the way their egg is position could be detrimental to the larva’s survival. If they make it past that stage, they will hatch into newborns.
So, here's the thing.
I'm going to write an alternate version of Barons of Steel, where the Militia arrives during the Wedding and the Changeling invasion.
Problem is...
I have no knowledge of how to get it on site.
Do I post the Alternate chapters on Barons of Steel, or do I make a new story?
Can you tell me which one to do?
So I have an idea that is based on my favorite tv shows. I originally planned the series like seasons, each season is a book, and each episode is a chapter.
Should I just write a screenplay since my idea is really similar in storytelling to franchises like Star Wars, MCU, Gravity Falls and DCTV?
You may have noticed that I've sort of been... missing. Missing might be the word. Being even worse at answering chat messages, e-mails, phone calls, carrier pigeons, and the odd note stuck to my front door with a jeweled damascene dagger (you know who you are).
Let me explain.
This is Grammer a Week, the periodic blog program-thing where I address a frequently broken grammar rule and tell you how to fix it. This week's installment is about that vs. which. This is probably an error that has caught you a few times in Microsoft Word. At least, that's how I was first informed of this error! So what's the differences between these two words? It actually underscore a far more complicated and important subject that needs some discussion: the difference between restrictive
Soooo, anyone freaking out and running around madly like ants after somebody kicked in their anthill and then set it on fire?
Finally got around to seeing that. I was stupidly busy when it was in theaters, then I forgot about it. Always heard it's fantastic.
Well... it certainly is!
Even though the series is canceled here in the US, everyone seems to enjoy the show even if it's in japanese. And to tell you the truth so do I. Through the series, there have been many variations of the Yo-kai Watch in the different models of it. Right now, I want to know which model of the Yo-kai Watch catches your interest.
The og watch:
It's your friendly pegasus Galaxy here. There's a question that's been burning on my mind for awhile now, and I want honest answers, no liars, cheaters, or pumpkin eaters. All the liars and cheaters gone?
Good. Let's get on with our regularly scheduled program, hmm? :3
I wanted to know what version of Galaxy you all want to see more.
A: Pegasus/Normal Galaxy
B: Vampire Galaxy
Who would be Sketchy Clouds' (me) best friend? It cant be one of the mane six or princesses. It has to be someone like Cloudchaser or Strawberry Sunrise.
Tell me in the comments! I need to know for a new story i am writing.
So I sort of noticed that I kill my main characters at the begining of nearly every single story I write. That is probably a problem.
(I may have "stolen" CitreneSky's concept ideas for these guys, I'm sorry! I did change them a bit...anyway, here they are!)
For starters, Zombons is apparently canon, or at least its final chapter. Also, I'm pretty sure that's how writing of this episode went:
Not that I think it's bad, because it was awesome. More on it in the final episode rank, starting from the weakest:
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