It's not that I ever didn't like her. I mean, canon characterization is a little thin, but she's married to Shiny, so clearly she has excellent taste in stallions.
Also we have a hobby in common.
It's not that I ever didn't like her. I mean, canon characterization is a little thin, but she's married to Shiny, so clearly she has excellent taste in stallions.
Also we have a hobby in common.
Twilight's mom is the hottest milf of all time. That is all.
Finally got chapter 4 wrapped up. It's been a busy week and for the first time since all the virus stuff started I got to go to a few Halloween parties this week; which felt weird to be honest. But, aside from the update, I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween.
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The Royal Guard Special Ψ Unit is back with more info on Field Marshal Twilight Velvet's past!
Well holy hell! I didn't know I've already made such a big following of people! Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you some Fanart for "Star Wars: The Horse Awakens". Once again, let it be known that I didn't ask for this at all, and this person made this with the kindness of their heart. For that, I am truly thankful.
Okay, so I have this fanfiction series that I love called the Royal Canterlot Family series by CartoonNerd12 and KidatHeart5. It’s basically a fairy tale AU series reimagining the Mane 6 and the CMC as the daughters of Celestia. I have a total soft spot for fairy tales, so it quickly became my favorite fanfiction series ever.
So I submitted the clop fic. So here's to you random person who voted for it. Something to get your rocks off... if I wrote it well enough. Woo! ... I guess. I'll probably add more chapters to that at random.
Chapter 2 is live and looks to deepen the intrigue and give us our first look at the titular spirit. I've only done 1 horror story prior to this which was more creepy than violent, so any opinions on the horror aspects of this story be they positive or negative are appreciated. I've always loved horror since I was young but I admit that I'm better coming at it from the "creature feature" direction more so than the subtle, Asian style horror. Regardless, I hope the story continues to please and
After much delay, chapter 5 is up. As much as I love to write, life has to come first and going into the holidays it's been getting busy. We're in the home stretch now, the next chapter will be the finale. Enjoy.
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At Twilight's tree palace...
Shepherd: "Twilight? I got a strange request from your parents."
Twilight: *tenses up* "Strange how?"
Shepherd: "Well, first, they want me to massage your mom in front of your dad while he records it and-"
Twilight: "DAMNIT MOM AND DAD NOT AGAIN!" *goes to the window and screams at her parents* "HE'S MY COLTFRIEND! MIIINE!"
Twilight Velvet: "We need to keep the marriage fresh and interesting, dear~!"
I felt like dick leaving you all on just the teaser of that story, even though it was good anyway. So, I made a new chapter that actually has sex in it! Enjoy it, everyone!
Posted the 1st chapter of my next MLP mother story. This one is going in a different direction than the previous entries and that basically has to do with our protagonists. Windy, Evershy, Stellar and Cloudy are all at points in their life where their views about relationships, love and sex are drastically changing so the stories did entail a lot of their sexual exploits. But these two happily married mares are facing a much different dilemma. I trying to take a bit of a turn back into horror
So I got four milfs to submit today!
I would have had six, but I had issues with Windows and had to forma my computer's OS drive.
But! We still have milfs!
Twilight Velvet's up first!
The SFW and NSFW versions can be found on my Derpibooru gallery. Or, you can also view it on my DA page!
Twilight Velvet
Velvet Remedy
Know the difference. It could save your life.
Except that neither one is especially dangerous. NVM.
Last chapter is done and up. I hope the conclusion pleases and that the horror elements were satisfactory. This story didn't really light any fires, but it was still a fun project and I'm still looking forward to getting to the "mom 6" finale story. Thanks to everyone checking it out.
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Chapter 3 is live and furthers the intrigue as Pear and Velvet start to piece things together and the identity of the electric spirit is finally uncovered. Enjoy the continuation.
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Guys... Can we like do a thing right now? Can we acknowledge the fact that Twilight Velvet was also Shining Armor’s mother and not just Twilight Sparkle’s? Like yeah, okay, Twilight is the heroine of the series, I get it. There are plenty of fanfics and fan art to prove that. Okay, understandable, nothing wrong about that. But she also raised Shining Armor. Like, we acknowledge Twilight Velvet as Twilight Sparkle’s mom, we acknowledge Shining Armor as Twi’s BBBFF, but do we acknowledge Velvet
I've added some explicit chapters to my story, Schmerz.
Edit: I'm not allowed to say where they are found due to Fimfiction site rules.