Chapter Published: Always My Best Friends... · 2:03pm Sep 21st, 2018
The latest, exciting chapter for A Journey Beyond Sanity has been published and... It begins. Enjoy.
The latest, exciting chapter for A Journey Beyond Sanity has been published and... It begins. Enjoy.
Just wanted to pop in real quick to say a couple things!
Been meaning to do another one of these, so enough prevaricating about the bush!
I've realized I haven't really posted anything in the way of new fics since May of last year, so I just wanted to pop in and assure that I am still working on new content, just haven't gotten anything complete to post as of yet...partly due to things not always going a fic's particularly way, or for other reasons entirely.
Just wanted to pop in and comment on what projects I am currently working on and what their present state is.
...when you get this really good idea for a fan fic--this sort of adventure/mystery sort of tale feature Gallus, Spike, their respective pasts, their presents, and details on certain long-absent family members--but you know, deep down, you really don't have the time to commit to such a project?
Especially when you're me, and are trying (and only kind of succeeding?) to cut back on long-form fanfics?