
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

The Sirens Remorse New Edits · 6:55am Nov 24th, 2017

Dealing with a downed laptop which has microsoft word, until it is repaired I'm saving new chapters for my stories till later. In the meantime I am going back to the first installment of the series, The Sirens Remorse and not only fixing bad grammar and wording, but I am also bulking up character development and fixing plot holes I unintentionally left which were never answered. There were indeed many portions I left to detail explaination instead of characters doing the talking.

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Story Arc for Thestrals in The Sirens Remorse · 7:11am Mar 14th, 2017

So through book 1, we've seen the thestrals in action and their sacrifice to stay autonomous but little is seen of their fight against the Agents of Shadow. Now from what I've read and seen of other books like Warhamer 40k to name one, you cannot really add too many characters to a story in a way that will not confuse readers or adds too much of a tangent to give purpose. So, as with Land of the Rising Sun story which has Twilight Sparkle going to foreign lands that will have a show up in book

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results