Writing Side-Stories Like (mild schedule update) · 6:30pm Sep 7th, 2017
Blame Saddlesoap Opera. This is his fault.
Also I really need to get on that Diminishing Returns blog, or else finally respond to my comments sheesh Patch.
Blame Saddlesoap Opera. This is his fault.
Also I really need to get on that Diminishing Returns blog, or else finally respond to my comments sheesh Patch.
Except it's like 20,000 more words instead and there's a lot more tea, the spilling* of tea, and construction legislation eleven-year-olds really shouldn't be handling but are anyway for some reason.
Part one drops next week.
Stay frosty, y'all. *fingerguns*
They just aren't. At all.
Not to say Equestria doesn't have nobility* at all, it's just that they aren't an established Thing. They're not a class. You need an actual population of nobility for that, and as of now, there are only seven of them: the four Princesses, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, and Blueblood. All (except maybe Flurry) have titles and an official status.
Next month will be a big change for me. I'll be working from home! Yay. Nothing too big but it's big for me.
In other news, check out The Spoony One's standard below.
Patchwork Poltergeist finally completed her masterwork today. Y'all should read it.
I wanted to take a moment to give a signal boost to my dear fellow writer Patchwork Poltergeist, whose excellent fic The Silver Standard just updated.
It seems the new site overhaul did something terrible to the math, and without any change in her statistics her story plummeted down the rankings -- undeservedly, if you ask me.
Because the rough draft took longer than expected and the final draft needs another week to cook, I'm pushing back the upload schedule.
New chapter will be up on the 26th at the latest.