
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Deconstruction is Magic: a My Little Pony Retrospective (S1E23) · 1:44am Nov 18th, 2020

Grrrrrrrrrrrrreetings everypony, and welcome back to Deconstruction is Magic, my Retrospective/Review/Analysis of every episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic ever. Today, we have a minor epic on our hooves. It's The Cutie Mark Chronicles! Without wasting any more time, let's get on with the analysis! I am the Mage of Mind, reminding you, as always, that even a cheeseburger can be deconstructed to its source.

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All of this chaos makes perfect sense · 11:21am Nov 5th, 2014

When I was young, I moved to Eugene, Oregon. I was always a smart kid, and I already knew how to read and write (and had for possibly several years even at that point). Now, Eugene is kind of an odd town, and it had some charter schools there, namely language immersion schools - schools where you spend half the day speaking (and learning) a second language. At the time, they had a Japanese, a Spanish, and a French immersion school. I was somewhat torn between the Japanese and French schools,

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Mini Re-Reviews: "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" & "Owl's Well That Ends Well" - Season 1 Episodes 23 & 24 · 12:50am Jan 11th, 2020

RAINBOW DASH: "I look like I have a mohawk blowing in the wind, don't I? Yeah, I think I just got about 20% cooler."
FLUTTERSHY [off-screen]: "What? But, um... I thought you said it was lazy and uninspired to just quote fan-loved moments for these intros..."

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results