
Viewing 1 - 20 of 301 results

Nothing to sell · 3:35am Feb 8th, 2023

I was going to make a post selling my things but then I realized I have nothing functional left to sell. If you want to buy a broken pair of headphones or an acoustic guitar with a broken string or a piano with half the keys missing let me know.

Also let me know if you'd like to help me make rent this month.

I was going to attach this begging to a story but I don't have the willpower to finish it. Here's what I had so far. I may finish it if I can.


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Report darf · 795 views · #suck

Google Translate, Y'all · 5:26am May 10th, 2018

One of the biggest problems I'm having with writing Dante is his origin.

He was born in Switzerland around about ten thousand years before the Battle of Earth took place, which is what landed him in Equestria. Switzerland, from what I've found, has only been populated for about ten thousand years.

Dante was born just a little after the first tribes took to Switzerland, making him roughly ten thousand years old.

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Guess who's back! · 5:38am Sep 6th, 2017

Wow, I've been wildly inactive! My last blog post was on my favorite celebrity's birthday for Celestia's sake. I apologize for being away so long, snowflakes. I've just had a lot on my mind.

So, first things first, I'm going to do my review of Goodbye and Hello by JetStorm. I've neglected that and it's not fair to anyone that I've done so. So, it's going to be the first thing I do once classes are finished tomorrow.

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Almost done. · 8:00pm Mar 13th, 2016

So, I've been working on the next chapter for What I've Done, and it's been coming along pretty good so far! The only problem, though, is that I need to go to work tonight, and am unable to finish it up on account of my need to sleep.

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Report Knight Breeze · 438 views · #Work sucks

Behold the one Truth! · 2:24am Mar 23rd, 2019

To all who believe this join Mini Ladd, our Light in the Darkness!

Report Arceaion · 327 views · #Fortnite sucks

YouTube sucks · 6:30am Nov 13th, 2019

Fellow people with fandom based channels on @YouTube, how are you setting your channels to apply with COPPA? I hate to see my comments and community section go but since most of my channel is child friendly they may have to. YouTube really has gone to crap.

It’s double screwing me with this child friendly thing and the commercially viable thing they just pulled. I don’t know what to do.


I will come back on weekends · 1:12pm Sep 6th, 2015

i have a schedule that I have have to follow basically I get three days of fimfiction and then school so if you see a lack of updates that's why

Report Darth_Pinkie · 268 views · #School sucks

Make Your Mark - Chapter 5: Father of the Bridlewood (my commentary) · 9:01pm Nov 17th, 2023

This is going to be another Misty episode, isn't it? Why does the whole show revolve around Misty? She didn't even make it into the movie.

Misty doesn't give a shit about her father. She won't even let him call her Misty Wisty.

Queen wanted some alone time with Alphabettle but Misty, among other things, is also a cockblock.

Family reunion, with spectators. It's like public sex, just worse.

Queen was smart to leave.

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Report Bad Dragon · 149 views · #Misty sucks

I Suck · 12:19pm Aug 6th, 2015

Well, another month has come and gone, and I didn't get the chapter done. On the one day, the one and only day that I had to write, me and my family leave on a 5 day vacation.

I missed my promised release date, and its because I procrastinated.

I'm sorry.


Why I enjoy the show · 2:59am Jan 25th, 2017


I hate to do this... · 12:22am Sep 28th, 2017

...But I am asking for financial help. Money has been tight due to unexpected expenses, and I need some help. I need about 70 dollars to pay for my internet, which right now is my main way of keeping in touch and finding job leads (some places don't post help wanted signs in their stores). If you are willing to help me, contact me privately and I'll give you my paypal information.

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Report KnightMysterio · 486 views · #I suck

I'm glad I didn't watch Caillou · 1:24pm Jun 4th, 2020

That show is a nightmare of every parent ever. Nobody can't stand the whiny voice of this despicable brat. If he was real, he should be sent to Dr. Phil and then to the ranch.


Teeth trouble · 10:13am Jul 15th, 2016

I'm having my Wisdom teeth out today. AT 6:35 IN THE MORNING.

Good news: It's only the top ones

The bad news?: I can't eat or drink anything. NOTHING.

I'm screwed.

Report Mkchief34 · 398 views · #teeth #this sucks.

Title · 11:33pm Feb 10th, 2017

Depressive stuff below

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WHERE HAVE I BEEN? · 12:56pm Sep 16th, 2017

IRMA REALLY SUCKS. I've been gone for about of month and most of it was school but I live in florida so IRMA SAID A BIG SCREW YOU TO ME. I haven't been online because IRMA KNOCKED MY GODDAMN POWER OUT FOR A WEEK. I DONT live in the flood zone areas, I live in Zephyrhills (buy our water) our electrical grid is confusing you can go to one intersection and less than an quarter mile no power at the next intersection.

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Oh boy, it's that time again! · 8:51pm Sep 15th, 2018

Sub-1Mbps internet speeds, here I come!

Holy crap do I wish there was more than just Comcast and Centurylink to choose from in my area...


*Groan* · 2:34am Jun 18th, 2015

I just did a whole lot of dishes, It's an awesome job by the way.

It ook an hour to get them ready, and about 30 minutes to finish half of the dishes.

There is still the pans and covers to finish.....I'm gonna finish them tomorrow.

My back is worn out, and I am done for today.

Report Super57 · 265 views · #Dishes. Suck.

Make Your Mark - Chapter 4: The Manesquerade · 3:18pm Oct 29th, 2023

Pipp sits instead of working in her salon. She appears to be throwing a gang party.
And now we know what happened to G4. Ponies used too much chemicals and killed the environment. And now, the history repeats itself.
Magic mirror? When did that happen?
Izzy puts on protection on her horn.
Zipp doesn't consent, but nopony cares. Consent is optional.
Is this too much? Yes, Izzy, you look like a whorse. It's too much.
You have to wear a mask? Oh, so it's that kind of gang party?

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Report Bad Dragon · 97 views · #Misty sucks

I lied · 6:46am Nov 15th, 2015

I said there wasn't much to say. That's not at all true.

I've been moping about ever since, and the reasons aren't exactly easy to explain.

I bet this fails pretty spectacularly (and I know what spectacular failure looks like).

This is a caption for a picture of a happy-looking Sunset that I just didn't feel like finding

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Report Csquared08 · 583 views · #Tags Suck

im gonna stop · 2:48pm Jul 30th, 2015

hey i know my blogs are makeing some of you mad or unhappy with me so im gonna stop for a bit k

also sorry

Report nightmare mist pony · 335 views · #i suck
Viewing 1 - 20 of 301 results