Storm king x grogar? · 5:49pm Sep 5th, 2022
Ayo- where this ship at? I know some of ya out there likes it- WE kinda need some to be honest- lri no art or stories 💀😭
Ayo- where this ship at? I know some of ya out there likes it- WE kinda need some to be honest- lri no art or stories 💀😭
A number of events in the series will be butterflied away thanks to Shepherd being around. Among other things...
The Storm King's mighty airship approaches Canterlot...
Storm King: "Yes... Soon, all of Equestria will fall before me and be laid waste-"
And the much larger USS Enterprise CV-6, flying the colors of the Royal Equestrian Navy, loomed into view.
My fifth live-action inspiration.
Gosh, I can hardly believe I’ve come this far in terms of posting about inspirations. I found myself craving to make another post regarding this subject more than any other kind, really.
My fifth inspiration in regards to the Storm King comes from this guy below:
My comeback to making posts about inspirations.
Gosh, it feels like it’s been hundreds of years since I’ve made my last one.
Anyway, I’ve been wanting to make another “Inspiration” post for some time, to detail another character that I find myself inspired by in terms of whom I model the Storm King after in terms of personality and motivations, particularly because of his lack of screentime in the 2017 MLP film.
My fourth live-action inspiration for the Storm King. As well as my second to be from that of a MCU character.
Nothing big on my plate at the moment anyway, so, I figured to myself “Why not?”
Anyway, my fourth inspiration comes from this guy here:
Normally, I would nowadays use my blog to share with you guys the reviews I make.
However, I had been thinking for quite some time about doing something different recently, and the thing I had been wanting to do the most as of late...was to show you guys what animated characters I found to have been most like the Storm King, and to have helped me keep him in character.
The first animated character that particularly inspired this guy here:
Even though it hasn't been too long since I shared what a couple of my inspirations for working with the Storm King were, as well as for what I view the character as and who I see him as a character, I just couldn't resist revealing to you all another character that has particularly inspired me as to how I see the Storm King. Mainly in contrast to most who seem to see the character as an overgrown man child instead of a compelling villain.
Greetings, my friends.
This is your top-of-the-line Man Undercover here with another thread.
Today, I'm gonna share with you guys what the fifth animated character is in regards to inspirations for the Storm King's characterization.
Take a look:
Looking back on Falcon more, I find that a big thing that he and the Storm King have in common is this:
Seems like everyone is gonna be making a cameo in this, though where are the other princesses and Discord when Tempest shows up?
Speaking of Tempest, see if you can spot the moment in the trailer that pinpoints when she's gonna turn good and betray the Storm King...
And that new throne room too! Luna gets a throne, that's gotta carry over into the show surely!
In Disney’s The Lion Guard, a tv show midquel to The Lion King 2, the writers of the show found a way to bring the main antagonist of Lion King 1, Scar, back to the screen despite the fact that he died. How they did it was by having a group of the show’s antagonists, hyenas and a cobra, bring Scar to their aid by summoning his spirit to a volcano full of lava and fire, using a stick that they stole from Rafiki’s apprentice, and getting Kion to unwittingly roar in anger.
In the wake of my latest post, I decided to go ahead and show you all what the second animated character I’ve looked to in preparation for working with the Storm King has been.
That character...being this guy right here:
“Lightning strikes in the sky,
Thunder peals on high,
While we sail the sea of clouds,
There is glory to be won,
Before the setting of the sun,
Let the storm be our call!
Our call!
Let the storm be our call!”
-The first stanza of the Heralds of Lightning shanty “Let the storm be our call.”
Rating Scale:
12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
My 6th inspiration for the Storm King to be from a live-action character.
Gosh, I can hardly believe that I’m at number six now.
Anyway, the sixth character that has inspired me in terms of how to keep the Storm King in character while also making sure he’s an intimidating this guy here:
My 7th live-action inspiration. Quite likely my final to be coming from a live-action character until I see another that comes along.
Two posts in one day, eh?
Gee, I certainly am crazy I’ll tell ya that.
Anyway, my 7th inspiration...comes from this guy here:
Has anyone ever wondered what my inspirations for how I often view the Storm King are? As well as for how to approach “A King’s Grand Entrance” and what to model it after?
Well, that’s why I made this post. To show you guys what one of my inspirations is.
Take a look:
Greetings, my friends.
This is your top-of-the-line Man Undercover here with another post.
Today, I’m gonna share with you guys what the fourth animated character that has inspired me in regards to the Storm King is.
That character...being this guy here: