
Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results

The Silence of Gossamer Wings - by Twifight Flippant Measure Treasured Guardian. · 7:38am Apr 20th, 2017

There is no surprise amongst the revered when their dear mother takes a long hiatus.
In fact, it has nearly become a celebrated holiday; I am either present and woefully accountable for tiresome ages, or gone from any social view without a hint nor excuse as to why. There are no excuses in life, children.

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I am Still Alive and Writing · 4:15am Mar 23rd, 2019

Lightning here, I just want to let you all know that I am still alive and so do my stories. Last year has been a very eventful time for me, things were really hectic, and for that I apologize and I hope you understand.

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Report Lightning Spear · 324 views · #stillalive

Once More, With Feeling · 8:15pm May 5th, 2019

So, yeah, it's been a while.
I took some time off to handle a number of family and personal issues, and I finally feel in a good enough place to actually devote some time to writing for you ponies again. I want to go and update some older stories, but beyond that, not sure what all to expect.
I know, I know, promises. But hey, if you won't give up on me, I'll do the same. :twilightsmile:


Good News · 11:40am Sep 14th, 2016

One, I'm not dead.

Two, I've started a TVtropes account. So I'll be able to make pages for my stories when i have the time.


Sorry · 3:09pm Jun 5th, 2021


1) I am now in the Coast Guard
2) I am still working on chapters for Prince of Shadows, but there is no definitive timeline on their release
3) I am now engaged to the love of my life, and editor, ShinoKame

Hopefully I’ll be able to crank out some content.


Create Your Dark Multiverse Character Contest · 11:51pm Dec 11th, 2017

Hello there, I'm holding a contest for a story I'm working on that borrows elements from the Current DC Event Dark Knights Metal. Basically everything that shouldn't be takes form. What if Celestia had one bad week, and Twilight had to do something unthinkable to stop her, but lost herself in the process, and new monster coming forth from a world that was never meant to exist.

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Clarification · 1:54pm Dec 2nd, 2018

This blog isn't meant to be some kind of insightful message from a wise sage, it's just a message that hopefully clarifies a few things.

That's something I feel I need to say in anticipation of certain people on the internet.

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Princess of Equestria · 6:21pm May 29th, 2020

I just published a sister story to Queen of Nothing, based on the idea that this person stuck in my head. Blame them for this.

I hope you enjoy.

Edit: I realized I didn't link the new story for you all. Oops.

Princess of Equestria

Now enjoy.


I'm Kinda Done · 12:54pm Feb 11th, 2019

Hello everyone, bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. Not by a long shot. I'm afraid I have some sad news.

I'm checked out of the MLP fandom. As in I like some of the stuff like Luna and the villains, but the majority overall, I'm practically done. Any stories besides whatever I have left for Interseason and the Alfreda/VG series are cancelled. If you wanna take over for it, PM me the details.

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Late B-Day · 11:35am Oct 17th, 2016

Last week today was my Birthday, it was pretty cool, hanging out with family, went out and had a little fun. I would've put a post about it but I kept putting it off for some reason, but I'm good right now and I'll try to update some of my stories.


A General Update On Things · 6:46pm Jul 2nd, 2015

Hi Everybody.

So I just feel like I might have been a bit quite around FIMFiction lately, and I thought it would be a good idea to let you all know how I'm doing with things. In really no particular order of priority (Okay, a little order of priority) I just want to give a small update on some things related to MLP and life.

1. The Next Chapter of When Kindness Met Hatred

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Report Dramapony · 352 views · #News #Stillalive #Season5

New Poll · 11:40am May 21st, 2018

Glad to see the turnout for my last poll. So I decided to do a new one, because I have a few other projects but I have a inherited one i realllly need to get off the ground. Follow the link below to help me decide.

For those that voted last time, i'm at least posting up the prologue before I start continuing another story.

What Story Should I continue work on next?

The deadline to vote will be this Sunday at the end of the week.


New Story Poll · 1:31am May 9th, 2018

Hey. I've been quiet lately due to a story I'm working on set in Discordneal14's universe(with approval from him of course), just waiting for his to finish to release mine since it's sort of a direct sequel. However in the meantime I have a story idea I want to ask you guys.

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Rant blog · 7:18pm Sep 4th, 2017

I've been meaning to do this for a while but I've kept putting it off. I just lost some of my juice in continuing Transformares The Movie (Don't worry it's not gonna be cancelled) because it managed to ebb itself little by little to the front of my skull, so I'm gonna do this now before it consumes my soul too.

Fuck. Michael. Bay.

This man.

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Serious Question · 9:51pm Dec 19th, 2017

I'm working on the first chapter of MLP FIM: Interseason but the Pilot for my Villain centered story takes place simultaneously with it. I want your opinion. Do you want them as separate chapter for their respective stories, or do you want them together so the villain parts can serve as the spinoff for the Adventures of Kul'as and his villainous idiots?


I’m back. · 5:10pm Jan 9th, 2018

Back again. Final exams are coming up, and soon a new story will grace this sleepy account. The story of After Harmony:Beginning and End, a story like Fallout Equestria, but also not. Keep your eyes peeled, or don’t. But I’m still alive! So...yay!


New Vote · 2:38am Oct 19th, 2018

So since I received little input about the next chapter, By which I mean the fact Nobody voted at all, I'm going to put up my choices for the first Non MLP chapter to go up on DeviantART.

A. Red vs Blue.

B. Transformers: Lost Light

C. Call of Duty WWII Zombies (They won't abide by game rules and it's the only thing I genuinely care about for the series other then playing Modern Warfare in general)

D. The Venture Brothers

E. Doom

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IW2 Update · 10:43pm Oct 9th, 2018

After...two votes. I've made my decision. The MLP chapters will stay on here, the Non MLP's will be posted on DeviantART on my page. I go by the same name as on here.

The next chapter will go up tomorrow(coincidentally my Birthday), and after that, the one with the most votes by next Monday will be the next chapter written. Poll's in the link.


Happy birthday! · 11:34am Oct 10th, 2015


New Poll · 8:02pm Aug 3rd, 2018

Hello everyone. I'm back. Sorry I've been nearly silent as of late. I've been busy with stuff in my life, got my first part time job and my real main collaborator for VG is back so things should finally get off the ground. And I got Assassin's Creed Origins and Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy on the Xbox and Switch respectively, finally beat the 2nd one, so I've mainly been procrastinating.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results