Skeeter could use a hand too. · 5:53pm Jan 10th, 2024
Details here It's a tough time for everyone. Try and spare what you can eh? Skeets is good folks.
Details here It's a tough time for everyone. Try and spare what you can eh? Skeets is good folks.
One of the old Legends of this site. You know him. Signed comments and the persistent Aku avatar for most of the time he's been here.
He has more details on his own blog, but the short of the matter is that he's in some financial trouble, and could use whatever little someone has to spare. So go give him an internet hug and a few cents, eh?
Hi all,
I’ll keep this brief because my head feels like it’s been smashed in with a mallet.
Heya fellas,
My buddy Skeeter the Lurker approached me a while back about a contest he's hosting, wondering if I would like to be one of the judges for it. I thought the concept was super interesting, so I gladly agreed.
Just finished writing a story within three days for a contest. Submited, PMed Skeeter, done. Holy shit I hope he likes it.
Skeeter the Lurker is in need of assistance. He's a good fellow who has contributed a lot to this community.
Hey folks, Skeeter the Lurker is in some dire straits, and needs help. If you can spare some money, and a few moments to read what has happened, go here:
Frenemies Talk, Chapter VIII: Slice of Life
: beep beep beep :
Urgh... my head... where am I? Looks like... a hospital. What...? How did I end up here? And what's with this hideous wallpaper?
I am not sure what's going on. All I know is... I was preparing a blog post with Prane and our special guest Skeeter The Lurker... And then came the time of the episode... I am not sure what happened afterwards. Did what I watch cause me to pass out?
044 Frenemies Talk: Slice of Life feat. Skeeter The Lurker
Welcome one and all to the show - surprisingly, we're on time! Imagine that.
Frenemies Talk, Chapter XII: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Frenemies Talk, Chapter XVIII: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
Phew! We almost did not make it this time! Lives get busy, circumstances change...
... speaking of which, have you heard the news? We have a new character coming. Really! I mean it! An important one! How often do you have the opportunity to witness royalty multiplying? How exciting.
061 Frenemies Talk: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows feat. Luminary and Skeeter The Lurker
049 Frenemies Talk: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? feat. Manaphy and Skeeter The Lurker
I didn't get very good sleep last night, as I'm sure like at most 15 of you guys knew. I'm very tired, but not just cause I didn't sleep well. I'm tired of myself. I'm tired of reliving the same cycle every single day. Idk how long this rant will be, but if you don't have time to read what I have to say then don't bother clicking to read more. Move on or whatever, because I believe I'm about to sum up the past 3 years of what I've been doing.
Ahh, hey guys this is the con post! Here I will tell you all bout the con, who I met and what I did, plus the stuff I bought. It was a blast except for the fact that the hotel didn't work. I attended two panels which I will mention below and met a ton of fellow writers.
I'm also extremely tempted to play becoming popular in the background. Always have cool music playing in the background even if your movie doesn't have hobbits. It also helps with writing but that's beside the point.
Featured Song: Till Our Planet Dies
by Triple-Q
Seriously US America's birthday was past three days ago, Washington. I'm surprised people in my state still have some leftover, particularly in my area. So this about this particular blog post, it might be a thing. Life Updates: where I just tell you guys what's going on with my life. Kinda simple enough.