
Viewing 1 - 20 of 935 results

Sunlight! · 7:03pm Jun 7th, 2015

If you enjoyed The Snow in Her Mane and are curious as to what happens next, then let me direct you to my latest story, Sunlit Skies! It'll be a bit longer than the prequel, four or five chapters; one of the main complaints I heard about the story was that we didn't have enough time to really care about what happens to the characters. I hope you enjoy.

Report Arcanist Ascendant · 444 views · #sequel

Sequel to "The solitary cell" is in work · 6:25pm Aug 12th, 2016

Apparently, one can write a blog on fimfiction. Huh. Who would've thought?

Anyhow, after being dead for quite a while, I have now wrote the first few sentences of the sequel to "The solitary cell". It will certainly take me a while to finish it (yes, an even longer while), but I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that it's happening. So - wohoo!

Report Dracu98 · 348 views · #Sequel

Sequel has hit shores. · 10:01pm Jun 18th, 2019

Time for a new beginning. A friend tells me it's slow at the start but gets quicker over time, though it does feel a little back and forthy. I'll try to fix that in later chapters.

Report Mx Story Anomalax · 277 views · #sequel

Sequel in progress · 12:03pm Feb 26th, 2020

Hold on my friends, the sequel to 'Voices of the Father' is in progress, and I will get it posted before I leave.

The Foundation is set. Upon it, I shall build my story and present it all over Fimfiction!!!

Report ExaltedFiction · 334 views · #sequel

I Need an Editor. · 2:03am Feb 12th, 2020

I need a good editor for my story A Goldfish for a Golden Princess. The only problem I know of at the moment is the cliffhanger ending. The answer to that one is SEQUELS!. I need help with the other problems.

Report The Half Brony · 306 views · #SEQUELS!

Rise Scootaloo Requests · 2:06pm Sep 2nd, 2018

Hello, everyone. As you all know, I'm writing the sequel to Queen Scootaloo and came up with a few questions. How far should I merge worlds? Do you like longfics? Should Scootaloo and Amaryllis have a love interest? Should Dr. Martina have a love interest? Should Scootaloo have a strange ego complex once Canterlot High starts back?

Give me some suggestions, I want to make this more interesting for you guys. Let me know! In the comments below! 🎵🎶

Report thedarktome · 310 views · #Sequels

Here we go again... · 7:17pm Aug 28th, 2021

1k views - done.
100 likes - done.

Sequel - In the works.

Report Buck Swisher · 200 views · #sequel

Sequel · 11:15pm Jan 14th, 2018

It may have taken a while but I finally got around to making a sequel to the Just a Clone story. Many of you wanted to see how our former Pinkie Clones life continues after being given a new body. So hopefully with this story it will satisfy that desire.

Give it a read if you'd like and let me know what you think.

Report FictionFreek · 494 views · #Sequel

Sequel Alert! · 2:20pm Oct 13th, 2021

Alright, I've had people come to me in the past and tell me that the site didn't alert them to a sequel.

So, here's your alert.

Forgotten: The Frozen North

The first chapter of Forgotten: The Frozen North has been posted.

I can't wait to see what you all think.

Thank you so much for reading!

Report milesprower06 · 344 views · #sequel

Last hive book · 1:04am Dec 27th, 2017

I suppose I should have done this weeks ago, but for those of you who missed it the final hive book is started here. Mother of the hives

Report law abiding pony · 1,195 views · #Sequel

A Sequel! · 4:29pm Jul 23rd, 2015

In the comments to my story My Little Pony: Flying Is Magic, ChaoticRainbow said it would be funny if somehow Apple Bloom flew as well. So I made a sequel, where she does. Kind of. Not really.

EDIT: PiMan also said that Pinkie's party cannon could make that possible, so...

Report We Cause Chaos · 308 views · #Sequel

Balloon to the Moon now has a Sequel (Just not by me) · 12:41am July 30th

A great friend of mine Aklinstar decided to gift me a beautiful story inspired by many of mine, most notably Balloon to the Moon, what many consider one of my best. And this story does it justice Balloon To The Moon! So much that I have declared it a canonical sequel to Balloon, so if you enjoyed that and wish to see where the little astronaut ended up, please go

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Princess and Queen · 5:15pm Feb 21st, 2018

Man this was a lot of fun to write, and once again thanks to Penalt for giving me his blessing to world build and produce this. I want to apologize for changing the rating to M, I was not planning on their being any actual sex but a little blurb Penalt wrote was just too good to pass up.

Now for the next step, would you like to see a sequel made? If so, comment below with your reason why, for the sequel will focus on the Queens’ rule and how they have to adjust.


In case anyone missed the sequel to "She's Awful" · 3:07pm Sep 20th, 2016

I apologize to my followers and everyone who's been already aware of the sequel to "She's Awful" for a redundant blog post, but I figured there oughta be at least a small number of people who read the first story, added it to some sort of tracking/favorite bookshelf (which, if I understand correctly, makes you receive notifications of any blog posts for that story), but didn't follow me and didn't notice the sequel when

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Report Superbowl · 555 views · #sequel

A Sequel To: A Prank Too Far. Coming Soon · 9:20pm Dec 8th, 2016

I have started work on a sequel to A Prank Too Far. At first I wasn't sure if a sequel was even possible, but than I realized that I could still do some work on it. So for everyone that's been asking, it is coming, you just need to wait a little longer.

Report TheCrimsonDM · 439 views · #sequel

Regarding a sequel to "She's Awful" · 4:23am Nov 12th, 2015

So, quite a large proportion of the commens to the story seem to indicate people wanting a sequel. Whether or not it is because they feel that "She's Awful" didn't do enough with the character of Cinch or just want more of her interactions with Equestrian sensibilities. :raritywink:

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Report Superbowl · 695 views · #sequel

Hello Sunlit Skies fans! Big news! · 8:19pm Aug 22nd, 2015

I've been saying this in the comment section for a while, but this is not the end of Twilight and Sunset's journey. My next story will be featuring the same characters in the same universe but a vastly different feel for the story- being Adventure, rather than Slice of Life. I hope the different genre won't put too many of you off the story, but I thought it was time the pair got an adventure in Equestria all to themselves.

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Report Arcanist Ascendant · 465 views · #sequel

Should I or Shouldn't I? · 4:43pm Apr 20th, 2016

DEADPOOL HAS 500 LIKES!!! YEAH!!! Thanks for the likes, favorites, and funny comments! You guys are the best! No, seriously! I'm tearing up here! If I were able to, I'd go to each of you and deliver the biggest hug, and the most passionate kiss to you all! (No homo for the dudes)

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Report MrAquino · 486 views · #Sequel

Necromancy for Foals 2 · 6:51pm Sep 14th, 2018

You know, I did say that I was going to post the first chapter on October 1st...

But... well, why not release it now?

It'll take a bit to get auto-approved


Sequel Incoming. · 7:17am Jun 18th, 2019

Hopefully the first chapter will be published tomorrow or the next day. I'm feeling a little unconfident about it, but I gotta finally get something out. Not all game overs are when trouble comes, sometimes it's when the story ends and some sort of peace reigns. Everything rests until the next big adventure when things continue.

Report Mx Story Anomalax · 305 views · #sequel
Viewing 1 - 20 of 935 results