
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

Strange But True #15 · 11:54pm Jan 2nd, 2019

Weekly facts! Enjoy!

1. McDonald's once made bubblegum flavored broccoli in an attempt to encourage kids to eat their vegetables.

2. Scotland has 421 words for "snow."

3. Firefighters use a wetting agent to make water "wetter." The chemicals reduce the surface tension of the water, making it easier to spread and soak into things.

4. The man with the deepest voice can hit a note he can't even hear. The note is eight octaves below the lowest G on the piano.

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Report Dandereshy · 247 views · #sbt #15

Strange But True #19 · 7:03am May 12th, 2020

These have returned! I hope they continue to entertain as they have before!

1. If you continued to grow at the rate you do as an infant, you would be about 413,300 lbs (187,470 kg) by age 10.

2. Gelotology is the study of laughter. :pinkiesmile:

3. The iceberg that the Titanic struck was thought to have been around 100,000 years old.

4. Panamanian golden frogs catch the attention of a potential mate by waving.

5. The first email was sent in 1971.

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Report Dandereshy · 207 views · #sbt #19

Strange But True #23 · 11:38pm Jun 8th, 2020

Weekly facts! Get 'em here!

1. Bananas are a hybrid of two other plants, and cannot reproduce on their own.

2. Cockroaches have always been heralded is the king of survival in the insect world, but termite queens hold that crown in terms of lifespan -- they can live for up to a century.

3. Eating with a larger fork can help you eat less, a study shows.

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Report Dandereshy · 196 views · #sbt #23

Strange But True #33 · 10:18pm Sep 14th, 2020

Belated by two weeks, but here you are! Enjoy!

1. Basically anything that melts can be made into glass. You just have to cool off a molten material before its molecules have time to realign into what they were before being melted.

2. A small percentage of what you see on dead channels (white noise) is radiation from the Big Bang. You are watching a visual of the birth of the universe.

3. Dead people can still get goosebumps.

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Report Dandereshy · 209 views · #sbt #33

#6 Strange But True Facts (Fluttershy's Naturist Edition: Double the Facts!) · 8:25pm Jul 19th, 2018

1. More than 60,000 species of trees have been identified. Of those, more than half exist in only a single country.

2. Dragonflies are the fastest insects on Earth. They have been clocked flying at an astounding 80 mph as they chase down females during mating season.

3. Pearls melt if placed in vinegar.

4. Almonds are not a nut; they belong to the peach family.

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Report Dandereshy · 290 views · #sbt #6

Strange But True Facts #12 · 12:14am Nov 21st, 2018

1. The largest star in the universe is VY Canis Majoris. This star is more than 2,100 times larger than our sun.

2. There are more than 20,000 species of edible plants, but only 20 are responsible for 90% of our food supply.

3. The Marianas Trench is 36,070 ft deep in an area of exploration known as the Challenger Deep; however, speculation from scientists is that there exists an area as deep as 40,000 ft further down the trench towards the Guam islands.

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Report Dandereshy · 255 views · #sbt #12

#2 Strange But True Facts · 12:23am Jun 8th, 2018

Sorry about the delay! I've decided to keep these weekly instead of daily. Either way, I do hope you enjoy them!

1. Cheetahs can change direction in midair while chasing prey.
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2. The world's first mobile handheld phone cost $3,995.

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Report Dandereshy · 262 views · #sbt #2

Strange But True #18 · 4:31am May 1st, 2019

Heavily delayed. My bad. :twilightsheepish:

Hope you enjoy nonetheless!

1. The human brain has the memory capacity equivalent to roughly 4 terabytes.

2. Fewer than 50 people worldwide have "golden blood" type — or Rh-null.

3. The small intestine is around 30 ft long, and the large intestine is around 6 ft long.

4. Urine (when fresh) is more bacteria-free than the saliva in your mouth right now.

5. Your skin accounts for around 15% of your body weight.

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Report Dandereshy · 350 views · #sbt #18

#5 Strange But True Facts (Deadly Poisons Edition) · 8:08pm Jul 11th, 2018

1. The human body contains traces of arsenic; the amount in the human body is safe, but if it were to increase (due to involuntarily consuming in food and water, which happens), this element can cause various illnesses, such as cancer, or even death.

2. The deadliest poison known to man is Polonium 210. This radioactive element is so volatile, it is 250,000 times more potent than hydrochloric cyanide.

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Report Dandereshy · 279 views · #sbt #5

Strange But True #14: Christmas Edition · 1:33am Dec 20th, 2018

Here are your weekly facts! Enjoy!

1. The image of Santa Claus flying his sleigh began in 1819 and was created by Washington Irving, the same author who dreamt up the Headless Horseman.

2. The life of your Christmas tree doesn't have to end with the day after Christmas: some zoos will accept your live tree as a donation to feed and house animals.

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Report Dandereshy · 243 views · #sbt #14

#8 Strange But True Facts · 11:04pm Sep 21st, 2018


1. If you could save all the times your eyes blink in one lifetime and use them all at once, you would see blackness for 1.2 years!

2. Volkswagen owns Bugatti, Bentley, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, and Ducati.

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Report Dandereshy · 324 views · #sbt #8

Strange But True #16 · 3:19am Feb 14th, 2019

A bit (by a bit I mean almost 2 months) late, but here is #16!

1. The largest recorded snowflake was in Keogh, MT during year 1887, and was 15 inches wide.

2. One in every five adults believe that aliens are hiding in our planet disguised as humans.

3. There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe.

4. Chewing gum while you cut an onion will help keep you from crying.

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Report Dandereshy · 276 views · #sbt #16

Strange But True #17 · 1:47am Feb 25th, 2019

More facts to boggle the mind. Hope you enjoy!

1. The TI-83 calculator has about six times as much processing power as the computers that landed the Apollo 11 on the moon.

2. If "The Simpsons" had aged realistically, Bart would now be as old as Marge in the first season.

3. If the human brain were a computer, it could perform 38 thousand-trillion operations per second. The world’s most powerful supercomputer, BlueGene, can manage only .002% of that.

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Report Dandereshy · 321 views · #sbt #17

Strange But True #21 · 2:15am May 27th, 2020

Weekly facts, diseases edition!

1. When Syphilis first surfaced, the English called it the ‘French disease’, the French called it the ‘Spanish disease’, Germans called it the ‘French evil’, Russians called it ‘Polish disease’, Poles called it ‘Turkish disease’, Turks called it ‘Christian disease’ and Japan called it ‘Chinese pox.’

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Report Dandereshy · 230 views · #sbt #21

#9 Strange But True Facts · 9:44pm Sep 29th, 2018

Extreme weather edition! Enjoy!

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Report Dandereshy · 264 views · #Sbt #9

#10 Strange But True Facts · 7:35pm Oct 8th, 2018

1. Strawberries are actually not berries; however, bananas are.

2. In 150 million years, the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy will collide. This seems a collision of epic proportions, but the odds that any two celestial objects will strike each other during the process of the two galaxies colliding is very unlikely.

3. You cannot say "mom" without your lips, and "dad" without your tongue.

4. A grizzly bear's bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball.

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Report Dandereshy · 298 views · #sbt #10

#11 Strange But True Facts · 7:48pm Oct 22nd, 2018

1. If you're looking to stock up on food that lasts a long time, try honey. Honey lasts so long, it has been discovered amongst ancient ruins in an edible state. Honey is the only edible food for humans that has no expiration date; it literally never goes bad.

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Report Dandereshy · 274 views · #sbt #11

Strange But True #20 · 12:42am May 20th, 2020

Enjoy your random weekly facts!

1. Some worms can grow to 100 feet (30.48 meters) in length.

2. Jupiter is more massive than all the other planets in the solar system combined.

3. Tourists throw more than a million dollars into Rome, Italy's Trevi Fountain every year.

4. Pre-domesticated carrots were purple, not orange.

5. The Olympic Rings were designed to be the at least one color in every world flag: blue, yellow, black, green, and red.

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Report Dandereshy · 196 views · #sbt #20

#7 Strange But True Facts · 7:18pm Sep 10th, 2018

(Sorry about the lengthy delay between these. Have double for your trouble. :rainbowkiss:)

Here are your amazing facts for the week!

1. You need to consume a quart of water each day for four months to equate to the amount of blood your heart pumps in one hour.

2. There are 171,476 words in the English language; however, the average English-speaker only uses/knows roughly 25,000 to 30,000.

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Report Dandereshy · 207 views · #sbt #7

#1 Strange But True Facts · 3:03am May 31st, 2018

Hello! Welcome to the daily weird but true facts blog! Here you will find five facts that will blow your mind! I hope you find them as fascinating as I!

1. Some honey bee queens quack.
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2. Days are longer than years on the planet Mercury.
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Report Dandereshy · 298 views · #sbt #1
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results