The Ship has Set Sail! · 7:18pm Sep 19th, 2015
I feel like this is the closest thing we've gotten to a canon ship in all honestly, and I couldn't be happier
I feel like this is the closest thing we've gotten to a canon ship in all honestly, and I couldn't be happier
I was looking forward to a Rarity episode. I had high expectations for a Rarity episode. A Rarity episode reached said high expectations. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Well, I know that I'm going to share my thoughts on the episode, so that's what I'm gonna do. So, without further ado, here are my thoughts on this week's episode, Rarity Changes Costumes... I mean... Rarity Investigates!
Spoilers. You've been warned.
Man, I just adore the hell out of Canterlot Boutique's opening scene. Rarity and Pinkie never get quality time like that. Usually, it's more "Rarity, catch me!" or "YOU FORGOT TO FASTEN THE RAAAAOOOOPE!", i.e., Rarity getting caught up in Pinkie's shenanigans. And, well, I guess this qualifies as shenanigans, too, but at least she didn't have to eat one of the cupcakes. I think I really hate Sassy Saddles, though; it's totally because of the catchphrases. :B Fashion Plate and Pepperdance
That one oughta keep the shippers happy for a few days.
I'll have more coherent thoughts later on when I've had a moment to think about it. Still, probably the best Rarity episode since last week. That whole noir thing... I recall there being at least a couple of fics that put Rarity in that role before. I like it.
...or Rarity Holmes: The Adorably Chic Private Detective.
This was a fun episode that I really enjoyed. It seems the writers are stepping up their game!
And Rarity was so adorable in this episode.
That was a great one, honestly.
It was probably the best film Noir-esque episode you could make, given the time limit. I mean, sure, it may have been obvious who the villain was (I mean, seriously, he just sounded like a detective show villain), but that didn't make it any less enjoyable! And I'm willing to bet a pretty penny that somebody is currently writing a story about the adventures of Shadow Spade.
This episode is one of those that seemed alright at first, then grows on me after watching it. I think I might like this episode more than "MMMystery on the Friendship Express", and that is one of my favorites from Season 2.
Hello, Everybrony!
I’m so late for doing this… because of exams… and papers… and lack of motivation. So I’m going to hurry through this one so I can get back on schedule. And I know the next episode is out already… but I won’t watch it until I can find the time to critique it properly.
This episode review will come in three parts: Plot, Characters, and Overall. Unfortunately, I have no video to reference this time.
Part 1: Plot
Knighty forgot to make a post before the airing, so I'm just filling in until he makes the official post. Will update with a link when it's available.
Feel free to discuss all the same.
UPDATE: Clickity.
Good night, and good luck.
Well, this week was quite the thing.
I ever tell you guys I have a soft spot for noir? Wouldn't surprise me if I haven't, I mean it's not like tactical RPG's, Borderlands, Nintendo, Mega Man, or anything of those, it's not something I yap about all the time it's just ya know something I enjoy.
I don't know, the gritty plotlines, the intriguing setting, interesting character archetypes... fedoras... Point is, they're neat!
Soarin': Where were you at midnight?
Rainbow Dash: I was asleep! I was having this totally awesome dream! You were in it.... and Spitfire... and Fleetfoot... and Rarity...
[Wonderbolts exchange nervous glances]
Rainbow: And Windrider.. and Celestia... and Luna... and Sweetie Belle...
Soarin': Uh...
Rainbow: [drools slightly] I-I'm gonna go use the bathroom for a few hours...
In some universe somewhere, it's still Saturday.
I was on holiday so I missed this post but here it is anyway for consistency! RARE SHIP.
And have some holiday pics
Well, like Rainbow Dash, I get to be geeky about something. Just saw Rarity Investigates and my head nearly exploded. Sometimes I am complete flabbergasted. When I was growing up, children's cartoon never had this quality nor attention to detail.
Business first: We got a really good look at the Canterlot Carousel façade. I made a minor tweak to Pins and Needles to reflect this. (Can you believe it, Pins (aka Sassy Saddles), is a continuing character!?)
Good morning, everypony! Let's pile up in the Mystery Van and tackle our next case.
Wow, Sassy's back already.
Three Rarity episodes three weeks in a row, eh? Okey dokey. First, liking the continuity with Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolt Reserves, it's like the writers heard me. No, I don't care if animation lead time means they had the episode in the can before my review. Also I appreciate they included Sassy and the new boutique at the start, continuity is good. And throughout the episode Rainbow is so friggin' adorable. The film noir was a lot of fun and it was cool that some guards actually played a
Also, I swear I'm working on the last part of To Be Happy.
Warning: Spoilers abound. Proceed with caution.
Yeah, there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to talk about this episode. Honestly, it felt like the writers went out of their way to make an episode specifically for me to enjoy. And it's not just because I'm a sucker for a good mystery. Anyway, I'm just gonna gush a bit and point out all the interesting stuff this one brought to the table.
Welp, looks like Wind Rider is going to be Pegasus Blueblood
He'll probably be Lightning Dust's older abusive boyfriend in stories or he rapes Rainbow Dash to keep her from breaking his record
...I'm pretty sure there was a fanfic about the latter though
Hoo boy, here comes another wave of Darkfics