Well, this was a pleasant surprise thanks for reviewing meh fic Present Perfect!
Delivering on Sweetness & Beyond by abrony-mouse
Genre: G3 Crossover/Comedy
Derpy's first interdimensional package delivery goes somewhat awry.
Well, this was a pleasant surprise thanks for reviewing meh fic Present Perfect!
Delivering on Sweetness & Beyond by abrony-mouse
Genre: G3 Crossover/Comedy
Derpy's first interdimensional package delivery goes somewhat awry.
Present Perfect asked for reviews of some of his stories that nobody’s done yet, and I’m happy to provide. Find reviews of “Fluttershy Goes to Narnia,” “Cutie Mark Cancer,” “…And It Was Going So Well, Too…” and “Persephone” below the break.
Reading of a chapter of this story:
It stinks, just like PP's hatred of batpone. On that note, it looks like Super Trampoline's Super Bad Fanfic Theater is up and running again!
...Wow, doing a lot of these lately. Says quite a bit more about me than I'm willing to admit? Am I a blunt easily triggered SJW, or someone who calls people out on their bullshit when I see it?
I forgot to mention, PresentPeferct noticed my group reading of Cleave. not much but defiantly worth mentioning as a thank you
PP does these occasional blogs where he talks about stats and where he's at with projects and stuff, and it's something I used to do fairly frequently. With my recent spat of no internet connection outside huffing off a piss poor unsecured signal from down the street and at work(where I was too busy to pony), I've had some time to think about where I am in terms of my writing projects, and I thought I'd share.
As of today, I have now spent officially ten years in the fandom. My admission into this little cultural movement started on November 15, 2011, and I've enjoyed myself for the most part ever since. Even when things didn't always go right (looking at you, BronyCon 2019), I more often than not found the fandom adding a degree of excitement and interest into my own life. So to all of you out there, thank you for making the world a little more interesting.
Probably the greatest fic reading I will ever produce:
That’s three in a row! Some of y’all are being productive over the holidays, and the Admiral approves
Just a short blast from the One Man's Pony Ramblings past this time. See, back when I was doing reviews on my review blog but when I wasn't doing reviews on my review blog, sometimes I'd talk about whatever the newest episode had brought us. Not reviews of them, per se, but more just, "here's some stuff I thought about while watching the latest installment of pony." That, and posting all the Carrot Tops I could find, because obviously.
So Bradel and I drunkwrote a thing last night:
[Romance] [Random] [Comedy] [Teen] [Sex]
Shub-Cadurath and Catastrophe. One is a story about a horrible monstrosity from beyond the veil of reality that reduces ponies to gibbering masses. The other story is about Princess Cadance giving birth to Princess Flurry Heart.
This was a rather eclectic set of stories; from a story with tiny cover art to a story about edible ears to a story about nursing, folks come up with some of the strangest things these days.
Just in time for Independence Day Christmas National Spaghetti Day,* Georg has released a Not-A-Contest entry!
Putting off reading stories and then doing lots of stuff less interesting than reading stories is stupid.
I still managed to procrastinate by wasting time on Reddit.
But I did get some stories read!
Today’s stories:
Horsefeathers by Fervidor
Whisk by Present Perfect
Mechanical Aptitude by Estee
by Super Trampoline
The Trouble with Phoenixes by Cold in Gardez
Well, trying to be a busy little beaver dragon this week and spend my free time doing productive things instead of browsing the Internet and wasting time procrastinating. It is invigorating to throw myself into things, and I wonder just what it is that keeps trying to pull me back into the petty and frivolous when I could be doing far more enjoyable things.
Is it base human nature?
Is it fear of actually trying?
Is it just the ease of consuming the easily digested?
Ah, well.
Another day, another five more reviews new stories. Glad to see another thing from Aquaman; I've been meaning to read more of his stuff for a while now, even if he does talk to fish.
Today’s stories:
Rainbow Splash by Estee
A Most Irregular Tea Party by Present Perfect
Language Barrier by Aquaman
Back Off by Summer Dancer
Cant by Rambling Writer
Decided to try and be useful and get some stuff done.
Did a bunch more reviews, and rewrote chapter six of Mistletrapped.
I’ve been remiss in clearing out my “Read It Now” queue, and thought I’d go through and review a bunch of recent stories for your reading pleasure – or displeasure, as the case may be.
Today’s stories:
Diamond Ring by DemonBrightSpirit
Five Virgins and a Sex Fiend by Present Perfect Shivered Timbers
Aftershocks, I Swear by Jonesly
Make a Plan, Take a Chance by Mooncalf
Multi-Factor Authentication by Estee
I always feel a little bit guilty doing non-writeoff reviews during the writeoffs, but given how frequently the writeoffs happen these days, if I didn’t, I’d hardly do any at all.