
Viewing 1 - 20 of 33 results

A thing I learned in the past almost six weeks is that not being active in the way I want to be active is extremely bad for my mental health. · 10:54pm Apr 6th, 2021

Just what the title says. This is what I learned in the past almost six weeks since February 25th. The CGI announcement for Generation 5 wrecked me in a dimension that I thought isn't possible. The 2D animation of Generation 4 holds a big, personal meaning to me that is as specific as it is private. I approached more analyses of Generation 5 only in very small steps since

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Readers of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World", please click here to find out what happened to the announced second teaser for the new chapter. · 12:10pm Feb 4th, 2021

Dear readers of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World", the few of you who exist, please proceed to this link to find out why I decided not to release the second teaser for the new chapter on Sunday:

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For some reason, my writing feels very bad the last few days..... · 11:38pm Mar 13th, 2020

I'm dealing with a peculiar problem the last few days: My writing feels bad and I can't tell why. I sat down to write the new chapter of "Dreamwalker Dash" for this week (and I am a good 1,314 words into it, so don't think I was lazy), but eventually, I could not go on anymore, as what I wrote felt more and more shallow and bad.

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Readers of "Letters to Cozy Glow", please check this link to find out what happened to this week's chapter · 11:48pm Mar 13th, 2020


Until Friday, Saturday at the latest, I am currently taking a short break from writing · 7:33pm Mar 17th, 2021

I'm sorry this announcement comes so late, but, I am currently on a short writing break. February has been a turbulent month, in both positive and negative ways. Some personal things that happened and needed to be worked out, many exciting analyses for Generation 5 I did (and more analyses will come, currently planning with the next five!), the shock over it that the Generation 5 show was suddenly revealed to be in full CGI rather than 2D animation (by the way, thank you for lying, Hasbro!) and

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Readers of "Dreamwalker Dash", please check this link to find out what happened to this week's chapter · 11:41pm Mar 13th, 2020


It seems my condition has bettered itself..... · 10:44pm Mar 16th, 2020

I am doing better now. I wrote more for "Dreamwalker Dash" and it went more smooth than last week. I'll keep that up and if nothing new is affecting me, my writing schedule should be back to normal this week. I'll let you know if anything changes.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Regarding the next chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow", please follow this link to find out when the story continues updating · 7:42pm Mar 17th, 2021

I am currently on a very short break from writing this week. Please follow this link to find out the details about it and what that means for "Letters to Cozy Glow":

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


I slowly feel some writing spirit returning. · 3:16pm Jun 28th, 2020

Here is finally a little blog entry to show that I'm still alive, now that I can say something hopeful about my situation. After a few stressful things that happened lately, among them one major writing fail, I feel some spirit for writing returning since a few days now.

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My Patreon and Ko-fi account relaunch will take a little longer. · 5:03am Nov 30th, 2022

Today, the relaunch of my redesigned Patreon and Ko-fi accounts was supposed to happen, as I announced here, but I am going to take a bit more time with it. I am in the middle of redesigning it right now, but the first time I launched my Patreon account, I was hasty and it didn't turn out as well as

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The Current Status and Future of my Generation 5 Analyses · 7:58pm Sep 5th, 2021

The announcement that all of Generation 5, not just the Movie that will start it but also the Generation 5 Show, will be animated in full CGI had me, albeit subconsciously, question whether I still want to analyze Generation 5 and all the news about it as deeply as I said I will before the announcement on February 25th. Even my optimistic words in

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Dentist Update: Some Good News · 12:20am Sep 3rd, 2023

There is some good news now. I've been at a first dentist appointment on Tuesday to get a preliminary examination and when the exact tooth that causes the problem was identified, it turned out that it's not a wisdom tooth (or molar, like they are also called, thank you pony author whose vocabulary is bigger than mine), but the second-to-last tooth on the upper right side. Which means, that the tooth doesn't have to go out. :yay:

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Sometimes, nurturing a friendship is more important than writing or writing goals. · 11:43am Feb 4th, 2021

This here is a, slightly late, announcement that I changed my plans for this week. Loyal readers of "Dreamwalker Dash" will have already noticed something changed yesterday when they waited for a new chapter without being rewarded with one, readers of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will have at least suspected that something is going on when my promised teaser didn't come on Sunday.

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A thing I need to do is speaking more..... particularly, speaking up. · 8:05pm Sep 21st, 2020

So, first, sorry that this isn't about writing. I know that many here wait for updates on my stories and some recent events make it increasingly difficult to get back into a proper writing schedule, but these updates will come as I am slowly getting things back in order. For now, I need to speak about a few things and say a few things that are important for me to say and, frankly, have always been important to say.

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My productivity MIGHT be a little impaired in the next few weeks..... · 2:35pm Aug 25th, 2023

I was at the dentist yesterday. Because of a particular, severe pain in the entire right half of my mouth. I thought of something rather benevolent as the cause, but as it is the case so often, reality is much worse. It turned out that my upper-right wisdom tooth is making problems. It caused a huge, blue swelling on my gums right next to it and that is where the pain comes from. According to the dentist I saw yesterday, the only way to fix this is to get the tooth removed. How's that for a six

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"Filed Away" but STILL not Forgotten: A Soon-To-Be Return after Six Years · 10:12pm Apr 21st, 2021

Last year, I promised a return of "Filed Away", but the rise of the corona virus (and, admittedly, my own fixation on it) disturbed my writing plans, so a 2020 return to the story could not happen in the end. The story has not been forgotten regardless of that, though,

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3 Months of Weekly Updates: How did that plan go? + A new type of Release Pattern for my Chapter Updates · 1:09am Apr 25th, 2021

When the year had just started, in the middle of January, I made a plan for chapter releases of "Dreamwalker Dash" and "Letters to Cozy Glow". During the years from 2017 - 2019, my writing skill, as well as my discipline with updating multi-chapter stories, have declined a lot in the aftermath of a mentally stressful event at the beginning of 2017 whose effects on my mind and life lasted for about two and a half years.

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Writing for "Letters to Cozy Glow" will continue next week · 11:28pm Apr 23rd, 2021

There won't be a chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" this week anymore and writing for it will only continue next week. The reason is that I'm changing something about my writing schedule. More infos about that will come tomorrow.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


A change for "Dreamwalker Dash"..... · 6:24pm Dec 29th, 2023

No, the story is not abandoned. But there will be a change coming to it. It's nothing that you already read, because it's not public and not even written, just an idea in my head. But I have changed my plans for "Dreamwalker Dash" after recent events.

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My return to writing had to be pushed back to next Thursday..... · 3:41pm Jul 5th, 2020

It seems that fandom drama is not healthy for the writing spirit. Especially not if said drama has been started by an extremist cult leader on Twitter and his followers and if it endangers one of the most important bastions in our fandom and causes an unspeakable amount of pony art to disappear forever.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 33 results