
Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results

Problem! · 7:47pm Jun 3rd, 2018

My computer took a sh*t and now it won't let me open any kind of browser I'm writing this from my tablet. So story will be put on hold for now, sorry

Report ChiefKitsune · 224 views · #BS

Good grief · 8:55pm Aug 25th, 2015

Joints feel really sore, but especially knees.

Also today was one of those days when I seem hypersensitive to sound. Had two researchers in my office and I don't know if they were talking at unreasonable levels of volume or if my brain was just processing it that way, but it was so difficult to cope with. And when people slammed doors it felt like a bomb going off in my head.

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Faith in Humanity as a Whole is Dying · 6:04am May 1st, 2017

Considering a lot of the crap people post online, I think it's safe to say that I'm friends with the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum. Now I won't bore you with the crap on politics and why one side is right and the other is full of idiots, but I will say it's pretty much all that Social Media has become.

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What do you guys think? · 2:39pm Aug 30th, 2015


I can't function etc. · 3:08pm Jul 20th, 2015

Back from the field. I did have a good time in many respects, but I am also keenly aware that I just cannot function the way other people can in prolonged social situations. It starts off okay, but then I just want to escape after a while. I honestly have no idea if it has to do with my bipolar or is just some other mental processing thing, but after about a day I just want everyone to get out of my face, no matter how nice they are.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 259 views · #real life bs

So, it's back to reality. · 9:04pm Mar 27th, 2016

Post sub-titled: list of reasons I'm depressed. Feel free to skip.

Next week I will need to go to a recruitment agency and my anxiety has kind of kicked in because the last time I went to one was in 2008 and that was before the recession happened. It was much easier to get work before then.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 492 views · #real life bs

Rant Time · 2:03pm Sep 21st, 2018

Ok, I have been getting a few reviews and PMs from people on a few sites, so I'm just posting this to every site that has this story because I'm so tired of getting messages of this nature. If you haven't done this, please skip to the last paragraph.

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Report pneoqueen · 288 views · #rant #time #tried #of #BS

Big Changes · 8:55pm Dec 4th, 2016

Will you all just calm down!! I'm putting things together as best as I can!!

Shhh! Quit! We're live!

Oh... Hey, people of FiM! I hope they didn't see us arguing...

If you keep mentioning it, they will~

We were talking about the hold up on Ruby and what I could do to get things going smoother. Also, Ruby herself wanted to know if people were dying to see the next chapter.

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.......@$#% !!! · 11:16am Jun 25th, 2016

Can't sleep. Nope. Not much sleep for this Draconequus! Not a wink!

Stomach still won't calm down but that's my fault, can't complain about that one. Much. Let's see... Got work in about less than four hours, so it'll be another long...LONG day.

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Not Dead/Fic preview · 1:58pm Jul 1st, 2015

I don't like making update posts; I usually find them to be too light on content, and if the projects they showcase don't come to fruition it creates extra disappointment. It's been a while since I posted anything on this account though, so I'll make an exception.

I'm working on a new story. It takes place in the same continuity as A Canterlot Breeding; after Chrysalis gets caught by the guards and such, Celestia decides to personally "rehabilitate" her (if you get my meaning).

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Barcast Burfday Night! I'm your guest tonight! · 11:32pm Dec 11th, 2021

So! It ma burfday! Well, it was ma burfday, but we're celebrating it today! 'Cause middle of the week birthdays kinda suck when you have my schedule.
Anywho, we'll be playing games and bullshitting the whole time so kickback and relax as we harass each other for a bit and just get to our general antics.
I hope to see y'all there!

Ask away! We're horrible, awful drunks and we aim to please the audience as well as we can.

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If at least 10 people comment on this blog I will write the next chapter of The Guardian TONIGHT · 7:22am Aug 31st, 2018

Yep, y'all read that right on tha' money. If ten'a y'all comment somethin' on this here blog post, rain 'r shine, sleep deprived 'r not, Gamer Script (Boy is it weird ta' call 'im that.) will write the next chapter of his long hiatus story, The Guardian. He's had the idea fer' a lil' while but he's been lackin' in motivation. So, 're y'all gonna give 'im that fire under him 'r are ya' gonna wait another month 'r three? Consider this a bit of a challenge from

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I said last time that'd show you something pony-related that I was working on. · 8:16pm Jun 21st, 2019

So here's something.

I'll tackle shading later.

Stay hydrated.


Hurrhurr i write romances · 9:41pm Dec 16th, 2020

Nah, more like mediocre romcoms. Yeah, definifely mediocre romcoms.

Anyway! The ah, evident two-part Kinda-Heartwarming Moment with Sunset Shimmer is completed! As awkward as it is for me and everybody else.


I'm trying, okay? Sticking outside of my comfort zone is something I like doing.

And I am totally not getting into the idea of writing more of stupid shit like this.

Maybe a little.

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jfc · 5:09pm Jun 10th, 2018


11 months aka the longest i've ever been in a relationship aaaaaaaaa · 3:12pm Sep 13th, 2018

Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results