
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

November AMA and National Novel Writing Month · 8:49pm Nov 1st, 2015

Hey guys, here's a friendly reminder that I've got a patreon you can donate to if you want to support me. Depending on the amount you pledge, you can get access to cool perks like early access to stories, music and stories made just for you, proofreading privileges, and free promotion! I'm trying to use the money I make from my patreon to fund trips to things like conventions, so it'd be super cool and helpful if you donated even just a little

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NaNo! · 4:46am Oct 26th, 2020

I will be participating in NaNo this year. No pony stories. The challenge:

To win NaNoWriMo, participants must write an average of approximately 1,667 words per day (69 per hour, 1.2 per minute) in November to reach the goal of 50,000 words written toward a novel.

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NaNoWriMo Part 3; or, National Not Writing Month · 2:21am Nov 17th, 2015

It was another semi-productive week for NaNoWriMo! For the first bit in any case. I reached 14,509 words total, which means I wrote a gross wordcount of 5,371 words over the course of five days, Sunday to Thursday. I was not home from Friday to Sunday night, and so did not get any words written (I was taking part in my yearly bout of wildlife conservation). This week is looking similar, so I'm going to do my best to crunch as many words as possible before I take my leave of the internet.

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NaNoWriMo; or, How I Plan to Spend my November · 9:58pm Oct 31st, 2015

My friends, I come to you with mixed news.

I've been wanting to write original fiction for a while now. Years. Decades, actually. This year, I set out to write an original novel.

It's been sitting pretty at three and a half chapters since February. Yeee... :facehoof:

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NaNoWriMo Part 2; or, November is a Hard Month for Writing · 10:42pm Nov 8th, 2015

Saturday ended with 9,138 words in The bag, only 2,528 words under par! Believe it or not, that is quite the achievement given the week I had. It turns out that between work, volunteering, and getting ready for a trip, it all rolled out to about two hours a day to write.

Sometimes less. For instance, while Saturday was a very good day at about 2,500 words, Friday was... not. 21 words? It's a little embarrassing. :twilightblush:

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NaNoWriMo Part 5; or, The Last Push · 2:46am Dec 1st, 2015

This is it, folks. The final day of NaNoWriMo, the day where your word-count stands in judgment over you. What does mine say?

"Eh, good job buddy. Better luck next year."

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This is the year... · 6:37am Oct 22nd, 2022

November is fast approaching. And lots of stuff happens in November. Thanksgiving and election day are the noteworthy American events. (My fellow Americans, don't forget to vote!) But another event happens in November, one I'm sure some of you will recognize.

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NaNoWriMo Week 1: Boop · 10:53pm Nov 6th, 2016

Seriously. That Animated Short was awesome. And the presentation during the opening ceremonies? Beyond epic. The moment the “Global Launch” retrospective glitched, I knew what they were doing and basically had this expression.

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Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results