
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Question For Peeps: What Is Your Ultimate Meta Goal On Fimfic? · 3:39am Jul 8th, 2015

What I mean is, what sort of achievement do you wish to make in terms of your stories, ie. getting into the Royal Canterlot Library or recieving fanart?

Mine might sound a tad arrogant and/or overconfident, but I would like to see an OC I created in someone else's fic.


I Only Partially Believe In Coincdences · 9:30pm Dec 10th, 2015

uotapo's latest currently has me wiping the spittake off of my monitor.

I'm trying really, really hard not to take some kind of proxy credit for this. I suppose I should ask him, though.

Soon as I stop laughing. This could take a while.

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Got a Rage Review · 1:52am Oct 19th, 2016

I requested a Rage Review of this story a few weeks back. Here it is.

An overall positive review. To summarize, it's a short and silly story, and that's its charm.

Getting accused of making up words was somewhat confusing, but not all that expected considering how many people here will just pull things out of their rear ends.


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Transcend ye mortal fiber optics · 3:28pm Nov 14th, 2021

Several exciting updates to share! Firstly:

Happy fall, yall!

Secondly, as the odd title implies, we have shed the savage ties that bind me to the binary realm--ie., I just put out a paperback book!

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Feeling Edgy--Please Help · 9:18pm Feb 3rd, 2020

Post anything and I'll give an edgy take on it. Could be an MLP character, could be a presidential candidate, could be your favorite flan recipe, could be a movie, doesn't matter. Just something I can snark at. I feel another wave of edgyness coming on and if I'm not careful I'll start posting overly-edgy things on Facebook and get another 30 day ban, and no one wants that.

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To Err is Human · 7:49pm May 5th, 2019

This isn't a sappy blog reminiscing on me, way back when, no. This is just a blog to serve as a reminder that, at one point, I cared.

I cared about upvotes, downvotes, comments, and favourites. I cared about how my works came across to others. And it was that caring that made me realize I shouldn't.

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Derpy Whooves, part of an answer to your confusion. · 12:13pm Mar 26th, 2020

Derpy Whooves wonders why someone like me would ever mingle with those I see as inferior to myself.

Simple. Even God has walked among men. Even royalty has walked among their subjects hidden in the form of a fellow commoner.

If Gods can, from time to time, descend from the Heavens to walk among mere mortals. So, why shouldn't I do the same?

The fact is that I've spent decades hiding among those I would label as animals.

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Quest Log Update: 2015 Wrap-Up · 12:03am Jan 4th, 2016


Mistakes from the past that still affect today..... · 4:46pm Dec 23rd, 2023

Since she blocked me, so many thoughts are going through my head..... Almost seven years ago, an event happened that shattered me so much, that I turned into the worst friend possible for a while, because of the mental problems it brought me. Everything was wonderful at that time; my writing was growing fast, I had found the best friend I could wish for and I had my dream position as a quest writer of "Legends of

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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results