why is this happening · 7:36am Apr 9th, 2020
why is the master of a rotten vale not coming up a lot of stories i've been reading have the 404 page not found it's weird i personally found no reason to remove it it was a great story
why is the master of a rotten vale not coming up a lot of stories i've been reading have the 404 page not found it's weird i personally found no reason to remove it it was a great story
Great! There's gonna be a new monster hunter game coming out and I still don't have my ps4 back!! What the hell is wrong with the police force?!?
I seriously cannot wait! It'll be back to hunting wyverns, elder dragons and giant crabs!!
Yeah, we're doing this now.
Welcome to Monster Hunter March, where I do a series of countdowns every Monday for the rest of March. Will I be consistent? Probably not, given my previous track record. Will I find more M words to put into the description? Maybe.
See what I did there?
The newest anime based on one of capcoms most popular games gets its debut and im eager for more!!
I've always wanted there to be a Monster Hunter discord server where everyone could all easily come and play without having to open seventeen different voice channels at the same time, and that's why I'm happy to announce that I've created a Discord server where that's possible.
Got most of my moms baking order filled out, got the house cleaned and I slayed THIS!!!
If you had the mane 7 face off large creatures from another world. How would they fair off against monsters from the Monster Hunter world? Would there be any counters with vicious monsters like Rathalos to glare down? How does spike fair as a palico? If possible.... Which of the Mane 7 would face their more suited monsters? There r many possiblies.
Twilight -
Fluttershy -
Rainbow Dash -
Applejack -
Pinkie Pie -
Sunset Shimmer -
If you have the Monster Hunter Generations demo, come and hunt with us!
The code is 2580 and we're fighting the Great Maccao!
Oh, and the ID is 51-5009- 5305-3198
Calling once again my Monster Hunter fans, I bring you the official tracks for each of the new flagship monsters as well as the arena music, Ancient Forest music, and final boss music. Some of these are better than others, but all are epic as f**k, as I expect from Capcom. Personally, I can't stop listening to the arena music, Dinovaldo's theme and Tamamitsune's theme.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who has played any Monster Hunter game and remembers the Plesioth will know something isn't exactly right with this picture.
The bigger they are, the better the prize
no matter the temper, no matter the size.
-Miracle of Sound
Prepare your asses, ladies and gentlemen, because tomorrow we're going right on back into the world of Minegarde to kick some serious monster butt, get some money, and get ALL the waifus!
Well, you all can.
I have to wait until my birthday.
Surprise! Here's a new story for everyone! This time, it's about the CMC in the Monster Hunter universe. Please note that this story has nothing to do with my original two stories. They are separate universes. But, the rules are not! If you want to request any monster, any monster AT ALL, please comment below or leave a comment on the story itself.
* In the spirit of pride month, I got a nice icon YCH of Calor with the gay man pride flag, which, in a fun coincidence, matches his color scheme a fair bit.
And it bloooooows! Yeah, real big shocker, I know. My home boys tried to warn me (by which I mean a bunch of people on the internet with a Youtube account), but I wanted to see for myself if the film was as terrible as so many said it was, rather than just parrot what has been said. And yeah, it's bad. Not even hilariously bad (okay maybe in some parts but that's not noteworthy praise). As a tl;dr, the film as a movie is subpar and hardly entertaining in a plain movie-goer sense; certainly not
Coming 1st December...
The Lord of the tundra is heartless and cold.
Showering its prey in an impenetrable veil of snow.
Leading foolish creatures to an icy grave...