An Update (December 18, 2018) · 1:42am Dec 19th, 2018
Hi, everyone.
It's been a while since I've posted a new chapter, and there's a reason for that. Chapter 12, the last one I posted, took a while mainly because my motivation for working on this story dropped too far. Chapter 13, however, has been taking so long because of indecision more than procrastination. Essentially, I don't know how I want the story to continue from here.
recently gained 2 followers, somehow
as a treat, here's another little drabble I find in okay enough writing that I've decided to post
Tomato sits in the hallway leading to Celestia’s room, observing the two guards that are currently on shift guarding her door, Crimson Sky and Midnight Shadow. He squints his eyes and rubs his chin with a hoof.
“Hmmmm. . .”
Cadence soon walks into the scene and turns towards Tomato.
So, new job working in a warehouse is going pretty well. I'm tired and sore and chafing, but it's a good tired and sore. Honest work, as Applejack might think of it.
But that's not why I'm posting. No, I've been catching up on my reading lately, and decided to make a small list of authors that have inspired me, continue to do so, and I feel like my life would be poorer for not having them. This'll be short and sweet.