MLP G5 · 2:25am Sep 24th, 2021
Hey- uhm-
It's in a few hours
And it's back with a Hearts and Hooves episode even though we're still a few weeks away from Valentine's day. Maybe next week will also be Hearts and Hooves day related. Anyways Izzy was really cute this episode. I loved her outfit and i loved her enthusiasm. Zipp and Rocky is a ship I never thought would come into existence but here we are. What would it we called. Zocky? Ripp? Also we stan Zipp our aroace queen. My only complaint is that the episode felt really fast.
I love G5. I really do. But what was this episode??? Why were they fighting? And I get the ponies have clearly evolved but since when could cutie marks become becons of light?? It was funny though. Also I am begging the writers to stop making Sunny's transformations so long and cringy. She doesn't need to float and glow for 30 seconds to turn into an alicorn. I can see the Sunny haters a mile away. They're gonna say she's showing off. She isn't. That is a writing flaw. I am glad to see the
I liked this one. We don't get to see Izzy and Pipp interact that much so this was a fun to see. I'm pretty sure Izzy is the second tallest one so her and Pipp's size difference is insane lol. I like how they came to a compromise at the end.
Rating: 8/10
She's adorable.
She comes from an abusive upbringing.
She has some mommy issues.
There is no possible way ageplay authors are going to take this and run with it.
While we are all sad over the ending of G5 today, that doesn’t mean that we will continue the G5’s story via this site.
We will get AlphaHaven to get married, we will get Allura to reunite with her brother Alterro, we will have the Mane 6 confront Allura again, we will get the dragons back again as well as possibly make tents for them to stay in Maretime Bay, we will have Sparky be the chosen one of the dragons, and we will get a chance for the Mane 6 to go to Skyros.
Here's some storyboard art for the future Netflix My Little Pony a New Generation. Done by an artist named Edward Davis.
First here's a video clip of Hitch as his version of the Mare Do Well.
I'm definitely getting it to see how it is, wondered how many of you would be interested in me streaming it.
I'm sure you've all heard about Mlp G5 Tell Your Tale getting canceled for no reason, or at least not a reason Hasbro cares to give us, and I know I'm not the only one who is really pissed off about that. Heck…I know people are really pissed off about the way Hasbro ended G4!
This week, the Mane 5 have to catch a ferry even though they have a flying RV, Zipp doesn't know how to fly around storm clouds, and Sparky is still eating everything in sight.
And the showrunners have used this song three times now.
The first episode of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 is on YouTube (and all eight are on Netflix).
I'm three episodes in. So far, the writing is a decidedly marked improvement from the special, but not quite reaches the quality levels of the movie. Animation as well. Looking forward to more, but not sure I'll get through all eight tonight.
Theme song is decent too.
This week, Pipp orders a fruit hat from
I saw the first episode of Make Your Mark on Netflix. Although that one certain scene near the end raised some questions, I'm ready for more!!!
So, I recorded this song back in September...but it took me this long to finally decide to post it because I'm shy I think it's a pretty mediocre performance, pony songs are hard for me to sing in general, but I hope you enjoy it.
Also, new story coming soon...! 😖
Full Episode: Click Here
Hey fellow pony fans I’m gonna try and write my first thoughts and opinion about this weeks Tell Your Tale episode. This is the first time I’m doing this and I hope it goes well.
So, this was pretty much the definition of "okay".
The new cast is definitely still learning their roles. Hope things become better as time goes on. This special was certainly Zipp's moment. Izzy in the movie was the perfect blend of serious and funny, but here she veers just a little too close to Pinkie Pie. Hitch was just... Off, somehow.
Animation budget definitely took a hit. There was like... About ten ponies attending the concert.
...then this amazing image would likely serve as my desktop wallpaper.
Luckily, I don't.