For those of you of feel anger as a victim in an abusive relationship, that’s fine: · 12:01am Feb 6th, 2018
And Lily Peet, once again, hits the nail harder than anybody else;
And Lily Peet, once again, hits the nail harder than anybody else;
I wanted to give this series a chance. I really did. But the latest story has something in it that really pissed me off!
What was it that pissed me off? This:
”So...what do you know about that Discord guy?"
Sweetie looked up to him, seeming surprised.
"You've never heard of him?"
Spike shook his head.
"Not really. Mom mentioned him once, and that was only after Princess Celestia told her about him. All I know is that he was some scary guy from a long time ago."
Josh Burner aka FireBrand and Lily Peet.....or Lily Orchard, now, are both members of the Brony Analysis Community and prominent members of Youtube. I am subscribed to both.
Due to all of the bullshit that has come out about Toon Kritic (If you are not aware of his open pedophile I have made an ever blog post detailing it and my very angry opinions on the matter) and the open laziness from the entire community to do nothing more than sweep all of this bullshit under the rug and move on as if nothing had happen, and then being angry when the public continues to rip them to shreds for doing so.