
Viewing 1 - 20 of 84 results

Thirsty Sword Lesbians (and Ukraine) · 8:50pm Mar 17th, 2022

You have 10 hours remaining in which to purchase 998 items from for TEN dollars.

That's a savings of $6,579.00! Also, what you spend helps those suffering in Ukraine, and how could you say no to items like this?

Disaster lesbian RPG should be Fimfiction gold. Go get some games!


An Observation · 10:24pm Jan 6th, 2018

I have noticed that a lot of stories feature lesbian mare couples, but where are all the gay stallion couples? I know that there are more mares than stallions in Equestria, and that the Brony fandom is mostly guys, but come on. Women are not the only ones who are gay.

Report BubblePuff · 303 views · #Gay #Lesbian

Random idea I had · 10:40pm Sep 22nd, 2024

Honestly, I just don't think I can write hetero romance? I only wrote one straight romance story, it wasn't that great, and I never finished it... I write 6 books about lesbians, and they're dynamite...

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The Lesbian: One Hundred Nights is now COMPLETE · 8:46pm Dec 18th, 2018

I even remembered to tag it properly this time!

Well, this was an interesting experience. I have no idea where the sheer volume of downvotes came from, but I am now part of the auspicious group of authors who have had stories with more dislikes than likes at some point, which tickles me pink. Thanks to everyone who saw through the ratings and decided to join me on this ride anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

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The Legend of Korra · 12:47pm Aug 14th, 2015

After finally watching The Legend of Korra to its completion, I have to say that it was probably the greatest anime I've watched in such a long time. Not only is it marked by spot-on animation, gut-wrenching humor, and relatable and deep emotional conflicts, it contains something that very few animes I've personally seen have ever even thought of including: politics.

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HEY! Wanna make some money? · 10:35pm May 18th, 2020

Write lesbians or something. FamousLastWords is on his bullshit again and is hosting a contest that offers TOP DOLLAR for some very good writing about early fandom horse pairings. Like, $100 if you do it well. That's a lotta money for writing about some horses being gay.

All the deets on the contest and how to enter can be found here!

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What's been going on · 4:31pm Jun 23rd, 2024

Well, I'm currently writing my first professional writing project! I've written about 15,000 words in just over 2 weeks, and there's no sign of me slowing down now. As such, my pony writing projects have been suffering, but I did have a crazy idea. After I publish this new story on Amazon Kindle, I could write an alternative pony version of the story, specifically for this site? That was one idea I had! Regardless, my pony stories have been on the back burner as of late, but I swear, I haven't

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Lesbians! · 12:43am Aug 5th, 2020

Seizure warning:


[Ellie Accidentally Teaches Pinkie Pie The Word "Fuck"] New Story · 9:43pm Jan 6th, 2021

This blog will have to double as the Author’s Notes because I could not bring myself to have the Title/Short Description/Long Description/Chapter Title be anything other than what it is now. This also forced me to have it be Mature, even though Teen with the Sex and Profanity tags would probably give it a wider audience, depending on how many readers browse with Mature off. I will not compromise the integrity of my art.

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Noble Thought Reads Books · 2:49am Jul 9th, 2015

Why yes, I do read books. Lots of books. I read four this week. And tried to read a fifth that I had to put down because it was basically a telly, poorly researched, perspective hopping mess.

I've been reading lesbian fiction lately. Surprise, right? Romance and coming of age, coming out, etc. So here's a few short recommendations and one "Sorry, but you tried" recommendation.

More below the break!

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Interview with Gay for Gadot · 1:14am Dec 2nd, 2020

Interview Rp Style
Nailah as Snow Heart
Gay for Gadot as Princess Cadance

Snow Heart

Snow Heart booked a train to the crystal empire. Her special somepony told her he had a surprise waiting. Snow didn't know what it was, or why he kept spoiling her, but she was excited. So excited, she bumped right into some pony trying to get off the train.

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Report Nailah · 250 views · #mlp #writing #lesbian #interview

Searching for a lesbian story · 2:13am Oct 7th, 2023

There's a lot of these so I'll try to give a lot of details to find this particular story. It's about twilight having to teach and educate her ex nemesis Trixie through sexual means. I believe she's forced to wear a collar that suppresses her magic. Twilight has her tied to a Pole in her house and has her friend visit. Later on the two start to bond and get romantic. One day twilight's mom visits and wonders why twilight is wearing panties with Trixie's cutie mark on it. Another scene the two

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My second book, Herself in Her: Acquisition, is now available! · 12:21am May 1st, 2021

Hey folks!

If you're reading this, that means you might only be familiar with my Equestria Girls work. But I write plenty on top of that, and not just other fanfiction stories!

Case in point: My second ebook just released today!

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(Un)Happy New Yuri Contest · 4:47am Dec 7th, 2024

(Un)Happy New Yuri Contest

This is peak doomed yuri.

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Thoughts On Episode 100 · 6:20pm Jun 14th, 2015

No spoilers yet this week, still digesting the load of wtf I witnessed. But man, that Lyrabon, eh?

A good friend will take you out for ice cream

A better friend will pay for it.

But only the best of friends will lick it off your thigh when it drips.


The Magical Pregnancy: A Narrative and Biological View · 8:47am Jun 16th, 2013

The Magical Pregnancy
A Narrative and Biological View

In many shipping stories, there is a tendency for the "babies ever after" ending, or for the subject of children to come up and be important. Given the prominence of same-sex pairings in fanfiction, particularly in My Little Pony fanfiction, this often gives rise to the idea of the magical pregnancy, where two people of the same sex magically have a child which is biologically both of their own.

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It Occurs To Me · 3:05am Dec 30th, 2019

If anyone wants to read non-ponyfic that I write, I maintain an account on Archive Of Our Own (AO3) where I upload random crap I grunt out when I'm feeling like writing something else.

Per usual, it's all useless lesbians, but at this point does that really surprise anyone?

Here's my works, if you want to check them out.




Love? A meditation... · 2:54pm Mar 11th, 2022

I know I shouldn't concern myself with anything like love or relationships at this stage of my life... I know I need to just let it rest... But I just can't help it! After all that time laying dormant in my life, I feel like something has woken up inside me? This is strange because I was married for six years! And yet, I can't for the life of me, explain the sudden love of lesbian little horse romance?

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Gone Adrift · 8:05am Jul 17th, 2015


Blog: The Fate of Starlight Glimmer · 2:40pm Apr 14th, 2021

If this goes on...

(Derpibooru link)

Viewing 1 - 20 of 84 results