Hey, Staff! · 12:09am Oct 28th, 2022
Jazz Hooves tag when???
Wait, how is Pipp using magic? She's not even a Unicorn!
One stroke of the brush and a whole painting appears on a hoof. Sounds believable, not.
"I never try anything new." Role music. "Try something new..."
Luna, is that you? Oh, it's just a hoof print...
I have a list of hundreds of prints. Let's look at it now. Oh, it seems I don't have any. I must have deleted them all..
There was a little 'favor' of sorts a good friends asked of me recently. To listen in and critique a rather unique opera over at bandcamp.
The devil, in the highest of compliments, should be rewarded for it. It floored me. Dropped kick you down the stairs kinda floored.
Found this over the weekend and I fine it interesting
Oh dear. March is ending.
I should've guessed 2016 was bound to be fast, especially after knowing it was going to be a leap year.
It's my blog, I don't need to show myself out!!
Anyways, enough bad jokes. Time for the weekly Crooks & Nannies!!
Still my blog!!!
The Pick Of The News
Shout out to Soundcloud for introducing me to Yuji Ohno and Cosmos after playing the eternally classic Mint Jams.
Also did you know FimFiction supports soundcloud embeds? I did but almost never use that feature. Shout out to Knighty for being a real G!
Hello everyone!
Wowza, what a week! Hearts and Hands Week was an idea I had a while ago, and I thought it'd be a fun little experiment leading to some interesting stories. This ended up being completely true, but I didn't realize how tiring it'd be! That's entirely my fault, of course. I rewrote some of those fics a few times over because I wasn't happy with them, but now that we've crossed the finish line, I can say that I don't regret a thing!
Another image I considered for a pfp, but ended up not using.
I recommend seeking out the video yourself (as it's pretty good) but seeing as it cuts out part of the song, I have to post the album version.
"Where It's At" from the 1996 album Odelay by Beck.
I love this song, "Feels Good To Me," by Bill Bruford.
You may like it. You might not. You might think it's too cheesy, or too jazzy. That's fine, not everybody has to like the same stuff. I don't like shitty dubstep or hip-hop songs that some folks listen to. So, we're different. We don't need to fight about it, because diversity is our strength as a human race. I can say that without it making me a special snowflake SJW.
So. It turns out there are going to be seventy of these things. And an eight-episode series of full-length 3D episodes. When it rains G5 content, it pours. Time to stick my face back in the firehose.
This is in no particular order as I cannot for the life of me accurately rank my favorite albums that is just impossible in my eyes.
(Only accurate ranking is my top 10 favs oat)
1. Xiu Xiu - a Promise
2. Xiu Xiu - Girl with Basket of Fruit
3. Scott Walker - The Drift
As you guys all know, I'm working on three different stories. Stories that do not involve MLP in any way. I'm of course, talking about Three Doors Down, Cleo the Wanderer, and the cancelled Leave Me Be.
Yes, I cancelled Leave Me Be. I couldn't think of an original story for that specific project. Originally it was just going to be the dorky girl who's shy, but super flamboyant when she's alone and she falls in love with a dude.
Got more things today!
Well, that was quick. No rest for the weary, I suppose. (Weary of what, well, I’ll leave that unsaid for now.) Let’s see how Maretime Bay rings in the new year and new season.