
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Might write a bit over the weekend of the JJBA thing · 5:08am Sep 14th, 2016

Might actually do something different in that I want to try to write a battle sequence.

Before writing the beginning.

Yes. In all my more than four years writing fanfiction I've never done the "write something from the middle first"

Also it will let me get a handle on how to describe Stands and also there's one battle between Spitfire and Dash I want to do.

So hint there. Demon thing controlling fire vs. something controlling the air pressure.

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Report Peridork · 329 views · #JJBA crossover

JJBA crossover has a title now. · 7:28am Aug 30th, 2016

Dunno when I will start this but it is called Applejack's Bizarre Adventure: Malleable Heart.

A combo of hopefully some of all the parts up to Stone Ocean.

Alternate Season 3 cause King Sombra is Dio in this- so probably going to have him do the useless rants that are so good.

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Report Peridork · 367 views · #JJBA crossover

Pictures Saved Just in Case · 3:21am Sep 8th, 2016

I have the picture Stands saved to my hard drive. Not a really important thing to be writing a blog about but it gives me like 27 photos I could use for later story ideas or cover images.

Plus I have had a lot of older blog picture links break at some point and thats the worst if it was a really important or cool picture that I can't find anymore.

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Here's everything a cheat sheet needs · 5:23am Sep 2nd, 2016

New powers are being discovered in Equestria- a psychic manifestation of ones heart. Applejack would have thought these strange tales were made up until she began to see a black timberwolf that nopony else could see.
And she's not the only pony in Ponyville. As more Stand users are being found they begin to feel a pull towards a forgotten kingdom in the North. A kingdom that had been passed down in stories of the Apple Clan like a fairytale- the Crystal Kingdom of the vampire King Sombra.

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Still here still here working through my issues 3 · 7:13am Mar 30th, 2017

Hello again doing better

But still working through said issues in that I have literally one month before graduation. So counting down to that but I still have around fifteen pages to write before the 14th for two papers and like a 2 to three page interview of a Sikh and a 7 to 9 page paper over Sikhism.

And I want to write fun stuff but I can't right now because of those things

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results