Sarcasm · 10:47pm Mar 4th, 2021
Pharynx: Oh no. It’s dark and there are two armed creature lurking within.
Pharynx, flicking on the light switch: Whatever will I do?
Pharynx: Oh no. It’s dark and there are two armed creature lurking within.
Pharynx, flicking on the light switch: Whatever will I do?
Thorax, getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep each night: I am so awake and ready for the day, the sun is beautiful and I’m so happy to be alive!
Pharynx: I’ve had 30 minutes of sleep over the past five days and now I can smell sounds please kill me.
Gallus: I hope the light at the at end of tunnel is a train.
Cozy Glow: I’d snap your neck.
Pharynx: *is kidnapped by Generic Villan #1*
GV#1: I have him! Try anything, and he gets it!
Thorax: Don’t kill him!
GV#1: I won’t do anything as long as I get was I want-
Thorax: No, not you. Pharynx, do not kill him!
Gv#1: w...what?
Rainbow: Twilight, give me your hairdryer!
Twilight: My what?
Pharynx: I’d like to apologize to anyone who I haven’t offended yet.
Pharynx: Please be patient, I’ll get to you shortly.
Tempest: All the haters are like “aren’t you wanted by the state?”
Tempest: And it’s like, I’m wanted by loads of people, okay? That’s the price of being bad*ss.
Tempest: Anyways, I did commit a smidge of treason-
Cozy: *giggles cutely*
Cozy: I’m going to snap!
Luna: hahaha....ha...hahaha... this a good laugh or a bad laugh?
Luna: hahaha...AHAHAHAHAhahaha...
Celestia: The longer this goes on, the more I think this is a bad laugh.
Starlight: The school staff doesn’t play favorites!
Girl: Who would find Thorax cute? I mean, what even is that body type, ahahahaha.
Thorax, smiling: I may be built like a crush cardboard box but at least I don’t legally identity as a piece of plastic.
Spike: What time is it?
Thorax: I don’t know, pass me the saxophone, then I’ll know.
Thorax: *blows into the saxophone really loudly*
Cozy: I have an idea!
Tirek: No stabbing.
Cozy: I no longer have an idea.
Thorax: How could anyone say Pharynx is evil? He the most precious changeling I’ve ever met!
Pharynx, covered in blood: Yeah, I’m adorable!
Discord: *Falls down the stairs*
Fancy Pants: *holds door open for Rarity* After you.
Rarity: No, after you.
Fancy Pants: I insist, after you-
Fleur de Lis. *pushing past both of them* After me.
Twilight: This is stupid!
Rainbow: What isn’t at this point?
Thorax: Wanna play a game?
Fluttershy: Sure, what’s the game.
Thorax: It’s called “Thorax or Steve.” I’ll tell you recent things Pharynx has said, and you have to guess if he said it to me or his pet centipede.
Fluttershy: Okay, shouldn’t be too hard-
Thorax: Number one—“I would die for you.”
Fluttershy:...I stand corrected.
Rainbow Dash: Don’t buy a car. But a gun! You can get a car with a gun.
Sunset Shimmer: No-
Thorax: A pet rock is pretty fun until you realize it’s essentially immortal and you’ve cursed it to an eternity of watching it’s loved ones die.
Pharynx: Thorax is three in the gODAMN MORNING-
Night Light: Go to your room!
Shining Armor: That’s not fair >:(
Night Light: DO AS I SAY!
Rainbow: What do you fear the most?
Twilight: Being forgotten. To know that my time is limited in this earth and one day I will be forgotten and all my efforts to better our world will go along with it.
Rainbow: Deep. Mine is the Koolaid Man.
Twilight: In-class essay! Write any topic you want.
Silverstream: Gallus the Griffon, otherwise known as my best friend-
Kevin: We are having a changeling get together, want to come?
Pharynx: I have no intention on going, but when is it?
Kevin: Saturday.
Pharynx: Hm, yes, I’ll have to check my calendar even though I know I’m completely free that day and then I’ll never get back to you.
Chrysalis: I don’t think I need to tell you how to do your job, do I?
Twilight: So let me get this straight-
Applejack: More like let me run this bi you.
Rarity: Let’s ace-ess the situation.
Rainbow: I’m gay.
Sweetie: Hi, I lost my friends, can I make an announcement?
Store Owner: Sure.
Sweetie, loudly into the mic: Goodbye you little s**ts.
*under a PG-13 spell*
Minuette: What do we say when life disappoints us?
Moondancer: Called it.
Minuette: No.
Spike, to Thorax: Are you really an introvert or were you just ignored every time you used to talk and now you just prefer being quiet?
Thorax: *accidentally does something illegal*
Thorax: Hello, yes, I’d like to be arrested.
Starlight: Is banishment really the only option?
Rock Hoof: You’re right! Execution it is!
Luna: Without the ugly in this world, there would be nothing beautiful.
Celestia: Thank you for your sacrifice.
Rainbow: Wow...this line is as straight as I am.
Zephyr: I’m not sure if I should address that fact that you came out to me or that you just insulted my drawing.
Tempest: What your favorite fruit?
Spike: If I say goodnight and an hour later you see me up it’s not because I lied, it’s because I failed.
Random A Hole: Do you know who my parents are?!
Pharynx: Why? Are you adopted or something?
Fluttershy: Let me see what you have.
Pharynx: A KNIFE!
Fluttershy: NO!
Fluttershy: We are all just skeletons wearing meat suits.
Rainbow Dash:...what?
Thorax: What are you writing?
Pharynx: The Instructor wants to know how many weapons I have back in our room. I’m letting them know it’s private information.
Thorax:...but this just says “f**k around and find out” in calligraphy...
Pharynx: Mhm!
Chrysalis: Scared?