Oh come on.... · 8:48pm Apr 23rd, 2016
No pony today, and the preview for next episode makes me want it now!!!!
Oh well, will be patient. Not spoiling the episode... but I know a few are going to be happy.
No pony today, and the preview for next episode makes me want it now!!!!
Oh well, will be patient. Not spoiling the episode... but I know a few are going to be happy.
D<I>gs in the Attic!
Winona jolted awake.
Every fiber of her body shook as a cold draft suddenly set in the room. Something wasn’t right. That sound previously unheard.
So I had said that there were things to come, and yes, here's a little sneak peek of things to come...
Yup, you read that right. Here's a preview for the upcoming sequel to the Broken Mirror stories, Reflections. Be warned, spoilers after the break;
Fate has a way of sticking folks were they need to be
A dark aura filled the room, which was almost pitch black, with a few candles, to lighten the way. A man came inside the room, fear filled his bones, to the point they rattled in panic. “Come, take a seat.” A woman said, in a rather grim tone.
“you wanted to speak with me, ma’am?” The man asked, calmly.
“Yes, I did.” The woman out a clipboard, and began reading, “Two students, miss Vinyl Scratch, and miss Octavia Melody. These two are in your history class, am I right?”
So remember when I put a poem into a blog post and said it’s coming December 30th?
Yeah... change of plans...
It’s not gonna be a serious story. It’s gonna be silly.
Plot I originally thought of? Trashed. Plot I thought of instead? Thought of it earlier, and now I’ll do it.
So keep expecting a story on 12/30/18
First of all, there are still quite a few chapters that are left in regards to Adventures in Eroquestria, I don’t know how many exactly, that’s mostly up to the readers. After Adventures in Eroquestria wraps up I’ll get to work on a sexy cyberpunk Equestria setting with Applejack and Fluttershy as the main characters, after that will be Spike and Starlight Glimmer in the Fetishquestria setting I’ve been thinking about. I’m also in talks with
Title: Equilibrio (Multichapter fanfic)
Summary: In this Equestria, ponies live a happy and thriving life but with a twist, here the same-sex couples are socially accepted and can legally marry while straight ponies are taboo, whose partners must live outside the marriage register and be victims of rejection. All live, nobody questions, until now.
Hope you got all the decorations set up.
Jingle jingle.
So I may or may not have something new out sometime this week although I can't guarantee that I'll have it done this week so stay tuned for it.
My characters: Benny, Borris and Alice are siblings. And, while they rarely fight, I think I can change that. This’ll be released on my Scratch account, just a heads up.
Coming Soon:
The War Of The T3 Siblings 2018
based on SMG4’s War of the Fat Italians
"You're hired!"
It sounded like music to Scootaloo's ears! Sixteen years old, and she already had an annual income. She could take her friends to someplace cool during their lunch period. Somewhere hip and that gets a lot of traction. Someplace like Crispy’s, and not because she's a cheapskate.
As most of you know, I've written about half a million words worth of stories which revolved around two different OCs of mine, both of whom that experienced less than positive reactions from their parents in regards to coming out. And while a few people have commented with ideas of what may have inspired the scenes I wrote, the truth of the matter is that they were NOT based on real events in my life. In fact, in the years that I wrote Brushed Away and Brushed Away 2 (along with several years
All I need to do is put some finishing touches on it, polish it up a bit, and it will be up before the end of the day.
Hey all, long time no see, hope the new year has been treating you well!
First of all, for those of you still waiting for an update on Gangs and Monsters, I would just like to say I am so sorry for how long that is taking. I'll make another blog post with more about that and what's been going on with me later, but right now I have something else to push on you.
Post tenebras lux
Sub dio fortitudo et fides
Lux et veritas
Pactum serva