
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Major changes happening. · 6:01am Sep 27th, 2018

i have begun writing again.. after all this time, i am soon gonna restart the story, i have had over a year now, and i have gotten a good idea of where i want the story to go from here, how to progress it the way i want to, and a ton of other things. i am also gonna look it over with a more critical eye and try fixing most spelling mistakes and grammar errors i have made(even though i suck at doing it)

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Still Ain't Dead Yet (Status Update: 1/18/2021) · 6:11pm Jan 18th, 2021

Hey there! Been a long time since I logged on here.

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New Project (I'm not dead yet!) · 12:36am Apr 12th, 2017

Hello to all of my readers out there! (as few of you as there may be) I apologize for the lack of updates, I have tried my hardest these past few months to get something presentable that I can give to y'all, but unfortunately I have been unable to get anything that I am happy with. (the hours of staring at a doc with nothing changing doesn't help) Without sounding like I'm whining or trying to make up excuses, I went on a bit of a depression fueled bender back in January and.... it got kind of

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The Backup Plan (Or: What if I can't finish The Elder Scrolls: Equestria?) · 8:13pm Oct 13th, 2015

No, I'm not dying.

I accepted my mortality the day my dad died of a sudden heart attack that he didn't deserve. That was also the day I stopped believing in God. I came to understand that we're all going to leave this world with just as many unfulfilled wishes as fulfilled ones. It's not really something that grates on my mind, it's just a little thing that I've come to understand.

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Status Update - A pointless rant to vent on the unfairness of life · 3:57am Jan 31st, 2017

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I really posted something huh? Well let's get down to the nitty gritty depressing shiz

My condition is getting worse with each passing day. My left knee has started giving out on me and things aren't looking too good. On top of that, my roommate was robbed and we might not make rent, which means we'll be kicked out.

If that happens, my parents would take me in, again, but I'd rather not burden them AGAIN.

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I watched Cry for Help and... (Spoilers for SU... duh) · 11:17pm Jul 13th, 2015

Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results