
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

House Sparkle Update, dood · 7:20am Jan 25th, 2017

This is more of a reminder to me and a heads up to you guys that I gotta change that AWFUL deal Twilight and Barb made, dood. Or alter it so that it's just a simple date rather than Twilight giving Barb permission to fuck her if she doesn't encounter a love interest of hers that isn't my favorite purple unicorn/alicorn, dood.

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Some thoughts on House Sparkle, dood. · 8:57pm Sep 18th, 2016

So every once in a while I reread House Sparkle to keep myself in the know of how I messed up and how I fix it, dood.

Despite the fact that I still have two chapters to write of Misadventures before I jump on that ship again, I still like to know what I missed and if I need to correct some mistakes, dood.

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I'm starting to see a trend, dood. · 5:49am Apr 13th, 2016

So, when I'm sluggishly rolling around, trying to write the next chapter to Twilight's misadventures. Fanfiction is one of the few things I do in my spare time when not working but I do a lot of that so my point has some ground, dood.

There are ALOT of Harem-based fanfics about, dood. This has caused me to rethink some plans for future projects that I am only kicking around... oh hey a House Sparkle tag, wonder how this will effect that story that everyone still thinks is dead, dood?

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So about House Sparkle, dood. · 7:27am Sep 16th, 2015

This is a update to remind everyone that it's on Hiatus, dood.

Unlike some other stories that I'M waiting on, it doesn't mean 'cancelled', dood. House Sparkle is on the back of my mind and I do remind myself weekly that it exists whenever I slam my head against Misadventures in between being a slacker nerd, playing FF14, and at work, dood.

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Recent thoughts and things I feel like they need to be said, dood. · 6:01pm Feb 26th, 2016

Hey, dood. Still waiting for me to write another chapter of Misadventures or House Sparkle? I got around to making some progress and just have to finish the next sex scene and it'll be done, dood.

But there are a few thoughts I have for this story and some things I need to get off my fannypack, dood.

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How did this get popular again, dood? · 5:35am Oct 9th, 2015

So as I struggle to write my stories in between my life and hobbies. I read comments when I get the chance, dood.

A lot of people want House Sparkle to come back, dood.

However, due to me not touching it in FOREVER. Going back will be kind of a problem because I barely take notes and I think I lost the notes that I already had. So I'm probably gonna have to reread it a few times to figure out where I was going with it, dood.

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A itty bitty update about stories and video games, dood. · 6:00pm Jul 5th, 2015

Still waiting on Disgaea 5 in October, dood.

Splatfest happened and the cats are a little salty, dood. (I picked dog) To go into detail here, Splatfest is a event in North America for the Wii U game, Splatoon, where you pick a team and compete for your team's glory. Basically a day of Turf Wars of Cat Lovers vs. Dog Lovers, dood.

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results