>tfw Love the Coopers · 11:21pm Nov 13th, 2015
I'll try and talk about it once I get a third movie to review, just... motherfucker...
I'll try and talk about it once I get a third movie to review, just... motherfucker...
And I'm bored as a post.
So here's some random holiday music.
(all copyrights respective of the artists)
Happy Holidays
Sir Barton (One Old Racehorse)
Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners!
Tonight, because Christmas is both fun and stressful, and because I love chaos, we'll be having a special holiday Coyote Streams stream that starts streaming starting around 11:00pm Mountain Standard Time (12:00am CST).
(Or whenever the game finishes downloading. You know, whichever.)
Hope you all have a great Christmas full of lots of food, family and friends. And ponies, that is unless if you still have a thing for ponies.
Tonight, at Midnight (PST), I will be doing something for all of you who read my words. Be prepared for something fun... If you like reading, that is.
Also, sorry for not updating Infinity's Edge in a while. Stuff got in the way of chapter 9, and I only recently fixed that...
Have one of my favorite holiday animatics on me!
(Since I'm feeling understimulated and my muse is unkind) I'm Running a free tiny (1-2 k) commission thing over on my patreon (link above). Drop me a comment over there if you want something, also all the rules are on the page as well.
Happy Holidays Fimfiction!
In the end, I have decided to go ahead with doing only the Surprise Subscriber Specials for this month, save for the Christmas Special (which happens to be on a Saturday). So, starting tomorrow, those SSS readings will be going live!
Some befitting music while you read:
Rainbow Infinity Readings For This Month:
And yes, we *will* be having Nite Owl Stream tonight!
We will send out a link for the stream as the moment approaches as per usual, and we will be Nite Owling at the usual time and place.
We just don't have one yet due to Family Stuff and Holiday Shenanigans is all. I'm sure you understand.
On behalf of my family, to yours. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas!
Or whatever holiday you celebrate.
May many more merriments come in our future!
Art by Mirroredsea
Another month, another blogpost, another apology but with good news this time!
After much deliberating, after much agonizing over nothing, we finally have a new chapter to share. It should have updated right before we post this blog.
Yeah, I've been quiet because of the holidays. Family, friends, and socializing. Because of this, it means I've been unable to really put any thought or continual work into Ponytale or potentially restarting an old project.
Happy Holidays! I don’t have much to say, other than I hope you spend some great time with friends and family!
Below is a basic summary of what I received today:
(⬆️ The shirt and headphones are new)
If you haven't seen it yet, click this link. A little friendshipping of the pair for Ghost Mike, who had requested it for Jinglemas. Hope everyone enjoys and hope everyone had a Happy Holidays! You will see more from me soon.
I noticed I have some followers, for whatever reason. So I decided to wish to all four of you,
Merry Chrismas, Black Thinking outside of the box Blood!
Happy Holidays, Magnus Orion! May you keep doing nothing
Joyful Festivities, Willight "SSJ2PinkiePie" Robinbine!
Divine Darlingdays RatityEQM! Spread the fabulosity