HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! · 1:41pm Feb 23rd, 2022
I just want y'all to know that today is my birthday and I'm going to enjoy it in anyway I can.
Y'all have a good day and stay safe out there!
I just want y'all to know that today is my birthday and I'm going to enjoy it in anyway I can.
Y'all have a good day and stay safe out there!
ok so...oct. 19 it's my birthday and well...i forgot to blog it......and i got Dead by Daylight....so yea
Yeah, thought I let you all know. Considering how I haven't posted anything in a while now that I've been slowly moving forward with my life. But despite that, I never thought that I be getting old really fast, even though I still feel relatively young. But 19 years old? Jeez time really does fly by when the realization hits you. It seriously feels like yesterday when I first came here on this site like a total stranger finding ways to get noticed and here I am nearly eight years later. As
So, that time has come again. Another year older, maybe a little wiser. Yep, this little changeling arrived on the day the groundhog decided if we will have six more weeks of winter of if spring is on its way. I was born 29 years ago. This little changeling has been through much in the last year, getting close to finishing college(this is the last semester currently), fishing her first story on here, buying more pony merch (heh I seriously probably have way more than I really need. ;P) and so
He’s making a list and checking it twice, but he doesn’t care whether you’re naughty or nice. When Santa Prak comes to town on his birthday, all he wants to see is a PC in your house. And what’s he going to stuff your stocking with?
I've now turned 21 today but still feel no different. Quite shitty about things for the past few years. But hey, I got a marshmallow pillow out of it.
Much cute
Kind of wish I had somewhere to go and something to do, but lockdown stops all of that. Even had to make my own birthday whilst my parents bought my twin one.
Hey there, folks. Got a couple updates for you.
First, we've now found a new editor for APD: Homeward. Please give a warm welcome to ChasingResonance, who helped edit on the original APD.
Secondly, the next chapter of Stomach Stallion is still going on. The reason is taking so long is twofold. One is because this will easily be the longest, and the second is due to a recent death in the family.
So like think about it.
Captain America's underlying throughline; The US government is either evil, corrupt or incompetent, and its institutions cannot be trusted
Iron Man: Successful business leaders are way more competent and have your best interest at heart, the government is incompetent
Thor and Black Panther: Benevolent dictatorships are the best form of government devised
Avengers: Fuck the UN too, as a matter of fact.
I just turned 27! I am grateful that I get to live an awesome yet simple life here on Earth. I'm satisfied with what I have, I don't need luxurious gifts for my special day, and I absolutely don't need a significant other to feel complete. I'm doing just fine with a stable job that I have for 3 years.
Not only have I officially turned 30 years old, but it's also the 4th anniversary of me coming out as non-binary and asexual (This month, I found out about the term libidoist asexual and I realized that's who I really am in the ace spectrum).
It's just a normal day for me since this bloody pandemic is not yet over. As usual, I deleted Facebook on my phone only for today to avoid the habit of constantly checking notifications of who greeted me.