Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Learning · 3:31am Jan 29th, 2021
School Daze marked a fundamental shift in the show for myriad reasons, and not just the obvious ones.
School Daze marked a fundamental shift in the show for myriad reasons, and not just the obvious ones.
We all know that the King of Ducks is going whine about how evil the new season of MLP is being and how much better Starfleet would be. Because you know: The Alicorn nazis from outer space have been known so much so far about how well their education system works. Being able to not even identify a simple robot when it attacks a place or lacking common sense.
Anyway, lets talk about something fun. The new season opener. Which in my opinion was overall okay.
Now the season is starting to hit its stride! It's rare for us to get more characterization of Princess Celestia, but it's hardly ever unwelcome. Our lives rarely pan out how we desire them to, and given Celestia's status, it's easy to see how her desires for acting never panned out.
Ahh, Ch.3(Expression). Or as I like to call it: The chapter where I finally figured out what the heck I was doing.
Look, I was writing a story about Gallus receiving therapy for his trauma, his friends’ reactions to learning about his breakdown, and the blossoming romance between him and Silverstream who was going through her own breakdown, all while trying to work themes of identity, personal growth, paranoia, self-worth, family, and the classic “Coming of age” trope into the narrative.
Alternate titles: Pessimism, Paranoia — Didn’t choose either, preferring to name it, not after Silver’s problem, but rather the solution to it.
Before I begin discussing this chapter properly, I just wanna say I feel so bad for Silverstream. I put her through so much crap in this story, it’s not even funny. But that begs the question why Silver’s story-line became what it is. To answer that we must first discuss what this chapter could have been.
I'm sorry for this awful, negative title. I still love this episode, for the reasons you can read about below, but coming up with titles is something I suck at a lot and I just couldn't think of anything better.
And with this week it finally happened again, the thing the show needs these days: A Student Six episode! :D Nine months Seven weeks they left us waiting, but now they have given us another episode focused on the sextet of awesomeness! :D
And what an episode it was! Silverstream and Ocellus were heroes, Yona delivered another one of her punchlines and..... But let's start at the beginning.
Season 8 is finally back and it's already off to an excellent start, with another Friendship School episode! A Friendship School episode in which we see Starlight Glimmer losing it and killing Discord..... What? No, I'm not kidding. This actually happened!
A few days ago, I was rewatching "School Daze" to give the episode some more thoughts, because there is quite a lot to see in it and a lot that invites you to deeply think about it. One sentence in particular stuck out to me:
"Everypony should be prepared to defend our way of life."
This is it! The kind of episode I have waited for! Finally, for the first time ever since "School Daze", we got a proper, 100% Student Six episode again! And it delivered in the best way possible!
Not only is it another Hearth's Warming Eve episode, something Season 7 did not offer to us, we also learn a lot about the lives of Sandbar, Gallus, Yona, Smolder, Ocellus and Silverstream and about the culture and traditions of their homelands!
Here's a follow-up on Two Years until the Equestrian Exodus: What we should do now and how we can go on from here and A Season and a Half Left?.
It finally happened. It was a long time prevented, but now it finally happened, my first fic for Silverstream is written and released!
This episode almost made me spill my drink on the screen. The reveal that Garble is Smolder's brother came quick, efficiently and merciless. Even after missing the first few minutes of the episode, and therefore all that talk about how Smolder's brother is a softie like Spike, this plot twist still blew my mind. Smolder isn't anything like Garble, how can two dragons who are so different be siblings? One of these apples definitely fell far from the tree. And knowing Garble and looking at his
Review for "Molt Down" will be written in the mid-season hiatus. Last weekend was the Grand Galloping Gala in "Legends of Equestria", so I only saw the episode once and couldn't do more with it, due to attending the Gala and some after-Gala stuff over the last week.
This week's episode has finally done it! A thing that I've been waiting for ever since "School Daze" aired:
A proper, Friendship School-focused episode!
The season finale has arrived..... And, wow, was this an INTENSE Finale! I hardly know where to begin..... Cozy Glow turning out as a villain and as plain evil, Chancellor Neighsay turning out as the lesser evil and even getting overthrown by Cozy Glow, Cozy Glow's brilliant and flawless plan where she thought on absolutely everything, how she got everypony on her side by simply acting charming, nice and adorable, Tirek as evil mentor pulling the strings from the background, the initial
- I already loved the first few moments of the episode, because we finally saw the Crystal Empire again! It's a place we unfortunately get to see rarely, the last time where there was a real focus on it was during Season 6 in "The Times They Are a Changeling"!
We have three new synopses, for the last three episodes of the first half of Season 9! And I'm in a completely hyped frenzy about all three of them!
They hint at things I have long hoped to see, things that imply a looming tragedy and at things that will prepare the future.
I put my thoughts about them under the automated page break to avoid spoilers.
Yesterday, I had something happen to me that got me thinking, about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and about the reception it gets in the fandom and I decided to talk a bit about it. Afterthoughts on the Finale will still come next week, but today, I want to talk about something else.
I have already made one analysis of the Season 9 Trailer, but there are a few smaller moments seen in it that also offer room for speculation. There isn't much that can be extracted from them, so I put them all into the same entry.
A few days after the Season 8 Finale aired, I was sitting down and pondered about it why Cozy Glow did all the things she did and why she wanted to take over Equestria.
I was one of those who did not believe that she is evil and found myself surprised over it that she is a villain. However, even with that turnout, I still don't think that Cozy Glow is actually evil, so I thought about why she did all that and what her exact motives were.