
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

OFF OST: -03- Fourteen Residents · 6:15pm Apr 26th, 2018


CGL's Stories: A Reexamination And Reboot · 4:11am Feb 28th, 2018

It's been a while. In the past year and a half, despite occasionally crawling back here to whine about the show's direction, I've largely stayed away from Pony and spent a lot of time in other fandoms. My writing and my understanding of writing has been improved in important ways, and I've come to realize certain bad habits I used to have, (primarily in jumping in before properly fleshing out my ideas.) Furthermore, this time away from Pony has extended to my own multi-chapter stories, which

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MECHANIC: What I got for Christmas at the Shop! (part 1) · 3:15am January 12th

So I already told you what I got for Jinglemas, but let me tell you what I got for Christmas (and New Years) at the shop!

Fair warning, those of you who are used to my normal mechanic blog posts where it's a mystery until the very end, this one was not a mystery for very long. Fixing it on the other hand . . . well.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results