I have a little gift for you guys that'll drop in two days time or so...
Remember to look under your Christmas trees!
As of "Bloom and Gloom" Babs Seed sadly no longer counts as a cutie mark crusader, and it seems unlikely that she will return to the group anytime soon.
So, with a new character likely joining the mane six for Season 6, perhaps the same could be done for the CMC? This list will take a look at a few candidates that could do the job.
5. Twist
How could this not bring a smile on your face!?
This is inspiring to me (future story possibly? Hopefully?)
Although we didn't get any new colts and fillies this season to my knowledge, I believe it's time for a new list ranking the ten best. Here is the original version, and this time Diamond Tiara will appear on this list.
10. Button Mash
Spoilers after the break. I WARNED YOU!
Not too long after posting the last chapter, I was going through the relevant episode for various... reasons [1], and made a rather startling revelation:
The bird's name? It's Owlowiscious.
Now Owlicious (as I'd previously taken to calling her) or Owluwicious, as I'd concluded after watching the episode.
I Pre-Read Paul Asaran's "Friendship = Evil"! It's at the Top of the Feature Box Right Now and You Should go read it!
I don't have much of an excuse, just been burned out, with both MLP and RWBY... But, I'll make sure I start work on the next chapter sometime this week.
For once in my life, I have fallen seriously behind on ponies. What is this dark magic?
Don't spend too long on a chapter. Otherwise you starts having it, and question whether you're actually any good as a write.
After months of editing and brainstorming, my newest story has been completed. Titled "Pretty Laces for Good Little Fillies", it's a Filly Anon story that examines how the titular character navigates the Council of Friendship meeting that occurs every year at Canterlot Castle. It goes in a decidedly more dramatic direction than most Filly Anon stories do, so it was very interesting to write. I really wanted to focus on the idea of the Filly and Man side of Filly Anon coming into conflict,
For those of you just now watching Fluttershy Leans In, I apologize. Foremost because it's a shitty episode and you had to watch it, but moreso because I'm going to talk about it up above the page-break, and "next week's" episode down below. You had your chance! >:B
One complaint I've had about this episode since I first watched it (oh god, I've seen it three times and it's so bad D:) is that it seemed pointless. "Fluttershy yells at experts" just... what was going on here?
WARNING!!! The following contains SPOILERS for the latest MLP episode “Forever Filly”.