"Fame and Misfortune" · 3:18am Aug 20th, 2017
Better late than never.
It's awfully weird when the CMC are more mature than their older sisters. And it's nice to get canon confirmation that Rainbow Dash is officially unofficially Scootaloo's older sister. And...
Wait, what's that?
AKA The Episode That All the Bronies Really Wanted "Dragon Quest" to Be.
Hey, let's use our imaginations for a bit.
First, a moment of silence, please, for the only ship that matters.
I'm conflicted.
First of all...
Best out-of-context screenshot ever, or best out-of-context screenshot ever?
So, title says it all. I'm stuck in a different country, and too sick to do anything except huddle pitiably in my hotel room. But! It's given me the compelling reason I've needed to finally watch season 6. This evening, I've gotten up to the end of 8, A Hearth's Warming Tale. There will be more updates tomorrow as I work my way through the season.
Episodes 1&2: The Crystalling
Applejack's "Day" Off: "Cut inefficiency out of your business by bringing in an outsider to give all your employees Lean Six Sigma training audit your processes and identify areas for improvement."
Flutter Brutter: "Get a job, you lazy bum (also, you'll never get good at anything if you don't stick with it, and also don't let fear of failure stop you from trying, but seriously, stop mooching off your parents and GET A JOB)."
So, is this still a show for kids?
Full discloser, I did not like the latest two parter. It bumped me in a way that this show so rarely does. Not to say it didn’t have its moments (Spike and Glimmer friending it up, Flurry ‘Destroyer of Empires’ Heart). I don’t usually write reaction fics, but as I was thinking though this I sort of realized Sunset Shimmer could very well have a field day with what was going on. Either that or a full mental breakdown.
First: Can I say I friggin' called it?
SPOILARZ below the break I guess. But first, something I found amusing when I tried to search for these episodes on Dailymotion:
Well played, troll. Well played.
...never once has it made me cry. That is, until today.
I watched "The Perfect Pear" this evening, and I can safely say that it was probably the best payoff that any episode in the show's history. From nearly my first day of watching the show, I always wondered what became of Applejack's parents. I read many a fanfiction on the subject, and dreamed up my own ideas on who they were, how they met, etc.
That... was a lot of fanservice. Fortunately, it wasn't the sort that you find in your typical anime, ifyaknowhatimean.
I'll keep this simple, since there's probably plenty of other reaction posts cluttering up your feed.
1. I liked The Dude's cutie mark. It really tied the episode together.
2. I find myself wondering if the folks at DHX came up with the idea of Cranky and Steven's bromance because they thought it was something the fandom hadn't come up with yet.
Twilight Sparkle: So this is my comfy chair for fictional reads. This is my studying chair because the hard back keeps me awake.
Thorax: Oh, Spike! I'm so glad you're here! [quietly] This castle visit is getting weird. Twilight really likes chairs.
[11:00:20 AM] Xjuggernaughtx: THERE! Now that was a good episode!
[11:53:13 AM] Steel Resolve: Well of course
[11:54:42 AM] Xjuggernaughtx: That’s what I want out of MLP. Nice, low-stakes slice of life stuff, with an epic-ish opener, maybe mid-season, then finale. This is how I like my MLP.
[11:55:16 AM] Xjuggernaughtx: A story that fits well within its timeframe.