
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

I saw the MLP movie · 1:34am Oct 6th, 2017

I just got out of the theater. Actually not kidding, that was probably the best movie I've seen in four or five years.

Emily Blunt in particular did a S P E C T A C U L A R job with Tempest Shadow's voice acting. Literally, perfection. New ironic pone waifu?

...Maybe. Time will tell. In the mean time, you scrublords better go see the movie.


Thoughts on The Fall Guy (2024) · 5:17am May 16th, 2024

This was fun. Not an all-time great, but still, a good and stylish way to kill two hours. :pinkiesmile:

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A Bunch of Stuff got Announced · 10:12pm Feb 12th, 2016

Oh boy. I just came from Moliminous' channel and I can't believe the stuff that he's saying got announced (is that right grammar?).

First of all, Season 6 of MLP will commence in May. Apparently.

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Review: Sicario (2015) · 6:55am Dec 20th, 2015

Denis Villeneuve's third English language feature is a pristinely directed film that simultaneously manages to be a tightly wound genre piece and a soberingly cynical and frank look at the brutal "War on Drugs".

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Friday the 13th part 3 (1982) · 10:13am May 18th, 2016

Is it just me or do movies and properties that don't know if they're going to be any good try to lure you in with peripheral stuff? I mean seriously, how many times have we seen this over the years? From the writer of... is usually a tip off that you're in trouble. Or what about when they put the director or writers name at the beginning? Ladies and gentlemen get ready to scream for "John Carpenter's Roman Fanny Pack," or "Stephen King's Old People in Maine."

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The Ensuing Calm · 2:44am Mar 2nd, 2018

Well I'm back as I said, feeling quite buzzed as the credits to the MLP movie are about done rolling. I'll try to make my thoughts on the whole thing coherent, but before I ramble on I will say this upfront: I was not all that offended by this film. In fact, it was okay. (Most of) The new characters introduced, the new locations, some of the songs I quite liked. That may be the alcohol talking and I may have different thoughts when I sobered up, but I'll give this movie a 7.5/10. Not that great

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My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) · 4:26am Oct 25th, 2017

This year has gone by quickly and I've found myself in a funk for most of it. Things like movies and what not haven't excited me. Writing has been difficult for a number of reasons. I don't consider it a block but it just became a chore to even want to open up a word file and type something. Therefore I started doing other things along the way. I learned to play a very poor version of Smoke on the Water and took pictures of the sun during the eclipse.

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Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. CXII · 8:02pm Oct 9th, 2024

Everything is funnier with googly eyes:

👀 Golly, that's creepy!

Tomorrow is the 14th anniversary of the debut of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and this past Sunday was the 7th anniversary of My Little Pony: The Movie, so I'm posting pony music:

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My Movie Review on Animal Crackers (2020) (Plus, a Bonus) · 5:00pm May 23rd, 2022

Yo, what's up, Kemosabes?

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 270th film analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "Animal Crackers". The animated film that was distributed by Netflix after three years of being delayed, to be exact.

Here's the rundown of this tale:

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My Movie Review on My Little Pony: The Movie · 8:55pm Oct 17th, 2017

Greetings, my friends.

This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review to share.

Today, for my 2nd film analysis, and my very first to be on an animated film, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "My Little Pony: The Movie (2017).

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results