
Viewing 1 - 20 of 89 results

Dungeons and Dragons with my father · 1:11am Apr 17th, 2023

Oh yeah, today, I taught my dad how to play Dungeons and Dragons!

For context, we both watched the new Dungeons and Dragons movie, him watching it before me. I had told my dad before that I play D&D sometimes with my friends, and after watching the movie (and Vox Machina, surprisingly), he asked if I could teach him how to play. So I agreed, with it being this day.

It wasn't him and I, as my brother and his GF joined. My brother, his GF, and my dad's characters.

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Dungeons and Dragons · 1:38am January 12th

Hello, everyone!

I hope everyone liked the latest chapter~ This blog post is not one to advertise my latest and newest writing, even though that is usually what I do and you really should check them out :raritywink:

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For anyone who plays D and D · 7:22am Dec 3rd, 2020

How does the game work?

I’ve tried looking online for some answers, but it’s leaving me very confused. As far as I can tell, there is a dice system and you make your own character. I know Ogres and Oubliettes is supposed to be based off of that game, but I’ve never played it myself and I want to be as accurate as possible when I’m writing my scene.


World Building part one · 1:10am Feb 17th, 2020


For those of you following my stories I must hang my head in shame. The marginal amount of work I have done is by no means enough for a chapter on either. To make matter worse is this blog which clearly informs you that my creative thoughts are not even going in that direction... shame on me :ajsleepy:

So What Am I Doing?

Making a world/setting...

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Dungeons and Dragons I made an Oops. : ( · 5:57am Dec 31st, 2015

So today while i was off work and with my friends, I was playing Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition and all was going great today. We hit the point to where we could prestige and go into prestige classes. I chose to become a dragon rider from one of the off brand books the DM allowed, and by am I having fun with my juvenile Blue Dragon.

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As someone who loves both DnD and Mlp should I give Ponyfinder a try? · 11:05pm Jun 13th, 2020

Lately I have been looking for a new campaign to join and a new group to play with and I am willing to try something new even though I greatly prefer the Pathfinder system. By chance I discovered Ponyfinder and began to wonder if I should try it. It seems like the perfect combination for me and a good opportunity to make friends both in the DnD and the Mlp community.

However I would first like to know what you guys think about it. Have you played it? Was it good?

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world building, part 2 · 3:52am Feb 25th, 2020

Welcome back...

Today I just plan to talk about ponies. As much as I like Equestria's Changelings and most of the feline races of Everglow I can't focus on them and ignore the ponies; The ponies are the focal point much like the map of Equestria has Equestria in the middle with everyone else around the sides. Though given that it is a map of a country one can be forgiven for providing so little detail on non pony locations. (has the planet even been officially named?)

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World Building part 3, inspiration · 5:23pm Mar 29th, 2020

Real life happened... and is still happening.

oh well

So I was on the group about changelings and Chrysalis and I was struck with inspiration on how to set my world up. The things I want is ponyfinder changelings to be mlpfim changelings and a reason for the ponies to be where they are and in the reduced numbers I envision. I feel I have just what I need...

What did I have?

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Izzy Moonbow: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 8:06pm Oct 4th, 2021

It's time for Numero Tres in this series, and boy howdy is it going to be a wacky one. With only four levels to work with, multiclassing is a risky, risky business--especially in D&D Fifth Edition. Luckily for us, David Silver and his Ponyfinder setting have a few very crafty tricks to make things... a little easier. And who is the pony we're going to be statting up this time around? Well, everyone, prepare to meet the instigator of

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Ponies and Dragons · 8:39am Last Thursday

So, I made the smol and colourful honses into a D&D 5e (2014 ruleset) homebrew. Here are the rules (revision 1), for anyone who wants to be a magical candy-coloured equine in their next campaign.


In certain mysterious places of the world, there can be found strange equines blessed with human-like intelligence and speech. These beings lack a name, but refer to themselves as ponies.

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Reconnecting with Old Friends · 1:59am Jul 31st, 2020

So I thought today would be a good day for happier news. Goodness knows there's enough negativity in the world and drama around horse websites. I also just wanted to let people know about a secret project I've been working on.

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i hope they bringing this back like samurai jack · 8:14pm Jul 14th, 2017


Something I've Written Which May Amuse All Of You · 4:26pm May 25th, 2016

So, a few days back, a friend of mine invoked me to post on my Tumblr blog about a certain infamous player I knew of from the halcyon days of running Dungeons and Dragons in college. I spent most of my free time yesterday typing out the post, and, having finished, I figured you guys might also enjoy it. So, without (much) further ado, I present to you the legend of Gene, Destroyer of Games.


Lo, what fool calls me forth? What boon do you seek?

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1st Time as a DND Dungeon Master. · 11:55pm Jan 13th, 2018

Ok, this is a bit nerdy, but after some timing, I was able to get 2 of my IRL friends and my brother to join a DND campaign I had in mind. I was a bit nervous, as it was my first time, but this is more or less the highlights for this session.

-Introducing everyone to the world, with them entering the tavern where everyone would introduce each other.

-The 3 players:

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Zipp Storm: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 2:53am Oct 5th, 2021

And now, we come to the final G5 pony of the new main crew. With only four levels and the power of David Silver's Ponyfinder, it's time to finally address the elephant in the room--what happens when you take Rainbow Dash and force her to think for herself? Well, the end result stands before you, and her name is...


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Hitch Trailblazer: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:02pm Oct 4th, 2021

Once more we delve into Fifth Edition D&D, with the help of David Silver's trusty Ponyfinder work. Once more I say that these G5 characters are only fourth level by the end of the film. And once more I select a pony to provide statistics to. Today, of course, we're choosing somebody Sunny's known all her life...

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First session of an online Legend of Zelda-Dungeons and Dragons session · 3:49am Aug 28th, 2022

So I had a fun time playing a special D&D campaign that's set in the world of The Legend of Zelda. More specifically, Breath of the wild. To help set the mood, this is actual background.

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Sunny Starscout: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:50am Oct 4th, 2021

In the interests of WELL THIS IDEA WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD I've decided to whip up D&D character stats for the Gen5 pones! I am using some elements from the Ponyfinder setting crafted by David Silver, because they actually fit pretty well into what we're going for here. That said, since all we've got is a single movie, I'm going to say that they're all only at fourth level. And who better to start us off than...

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Fe'brew'ary · 12:02am Feb 8th, 2017

So let's talk RPG's, specifically Pen and Paper RPG's.

I've been at them for about, ooh, 4-5years started with D'n'D 4th ed, and moved onto Pathfinder, since then that's generally what I've stuck with outside of Traveller, DFRPG, Warhammer 40K, a couple of homebrew systems here and there, and a very short-lived foray into BESM/Pendragon (DM just dropped it due to wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey shenanigans).

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Royalty and Legends of Harmony as D&D Characters · 4:46am Jul 27th, 2019

I'm back with another round of D&D-ifying characters from MLP, this time, it's the royals of Equestria, and the Legends of Harmony, who are pretty much D&D characters in Equestria's past if you think about it. Same rules as last time, and leaving out the equipment, since I don't want to make them too technical.


Race: High Elf (Sun)

Race: Cleric (Light Domain)

Dexterity-10 (+2 from race)
Intelligence-14 (+1 from race)

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 89 results