
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Fourth Awesome Video of the Week (The V8 Food Blender) · 6:02pm Dec 17th, 2016

Yep, four videos in one week. Once again, this is from BBC's Top Gear, and once again this is another idiotic idea from Jeremy Clarkson. Him titling his invention the V8 Food Blender should tell you all that you need to know about how well this is going to go...:rainbowlaugh:


THIRD Awesome... Okay, more like hilarious video of the week (Jeremy Clarkson quaints his ride) · 9:48pm Dec 16th, 2016

Yep, three videos in one week. Seriously, never take car styling advice from this guy. You'll just ruin your car, probably hurt yourself and make yourself look like a complete moron/clot/idjit/your word choice here in the process... As James and Richard shall now show you.

What a idiot. That big ape...


The Dead Pool (1988) · 9:11am Sep 27th, 2019

So, it's been a few months since I've posted or really said anything here. How's it going? Hopefully you're doing well and life hasn't been too much of a booger. If it has, well, in the most general of ways I hope that you are able to see your way through whatever it is.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results