Today is Andrea Libman's 35th birthday!
Happy Birthday to her!
Today is Andrea Libman's 35th birthday!
Happy Birthday to her!
You know how Kelly Sheridan had to pull out? Well, UK PonyCon has found a replacement. Who? Only Andrea Libman, that's who. Sorry, can't say any more, brain has turned to wibble.
(Caption: #IQuotedBarbraStreisandHereBecauseSheWouldSupportAndreaToo)
14 hours ago, actress-singer Andrea Libman wrote the following on Facebook:
Just a refresher from @MerriamWebster:
feminism: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
It's the same thing!!!!!!!!!
BashingInMinds on Twitter
Andrea Libman, the woman who's brought us such happiness in the voices and characters of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy is 33 years old today!
A very happy birthday to an incredibly gifted voice actress and a big thank you for bringing a majority of the joy the show is known for!
I'm really stoked this year (Haven't felt this way since I met Tara Strong there in 2015)
Sadly, this is the very first year I've gone and there's no MLP VAs going. Ah well, they'll be other chances (My mission of peace continues)
This year I look forward to meeting
Hello Everypony. SapphireWings here again with a few updates. A lot has been going on over the past several months since I last posted here. I've been busy with work, polishing the first couple of chapters of my upcoming story, making my way through this final season of MLP , but the biggest update is that, by this time next week, I'll be in Baltimore for the final BronyCon. I've got my flights and hotel booked, weekend pass purchased, schedule set up, and I'm super excited to
Five years ago today, the story of Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six came to a close, ushering a new era of friendship for generations to come. least, that was supposed to be it, until a power-hungry and narcissistic alicorn deliberately set ponykind back centuries, forcing Twilight to put the remaining magic of the three pony tribes in three Unity Crystals to keep it out of her greedy hooves.
Fourteen years ago today, Lauren Faust brought audiences to a brand new reimagining of Hasbro's third most popular franchise that would impact every human from 2010 to beyond!
The original art for the convention kills it every year. Honestly, for that quality, and for this fandom, the price these displays fetched at the charity auction isn't surprising…
That moment when an actual PonyCon keeps its family-friendly image in line (least until the after-hours events), whereas the TV-Y show somehow let a body pillow slip through.
Woke up to a call from Mom, talked to her for a bit... She was mostly making sure that we were all okay and what had we gotten for dinner the night before... And then that shower happened. XD Because, despite my stated intentions as the end of my last blog, I did not, in fact, shower Thursday night... My motivation ran out... But I did take that very long shower Friday morning before donning my outfit for the day.
Merry Christmas, my good pals.
This is your friendly film, TV Show, and episode reporter here with another review.
And today, for my 16th episode review and final installment of this year's "Christmas Craze", I'll be reviewing MLP: FiM's "The Best Gift Ever".
Bueno Dias, my friends.
This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.
Today, for my 34th episode analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "Daring Doubt". The 21st episode in the ninth season of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" to be precise.
Here’s the rundown of it:
Merry Chistmas!!
Greetings, my good friends.
This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.
And today, having finally seen this MLP installment over a month ago, I'll be making my 6th episode review on MLP's "Rainbow Roadtrip".
Here's the summary of it:
Aloha, my friends.
This is your top-of-the-line film, TV Show, and episode reporter here with another review.
And today...well, for my 24th TV show analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take on "My Little Pony: Pony Life".
Greetings, my friends.
This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review to share.
Today, for my 2nd film analysis, and my very first to be on an animated film, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "My Little Pony: The Movie (2017).